While the coronavirus has caused the cancellation or postponement of many events, the Fillmore County American Dairy Association found a creative way to mo-o-o-o-o-ve forward with their annual Dairy Night on the Farm.
On Saturday, June 20, from 4-7 p.m., an estimated 750 dairy enthusiasts drove to the Mulhern Dairy farm on the outskirts of Fountain, Minn. The Mulherns have hosted this event two years in a row, showcasing their 700 head dairy operation.
As herds of vehicles entered the north side of the farm, attendees were greeted with a choice of white or chocolate milk along with a stick of string cheese for every person in the vehicle. And, kids (and adults) were offered a cow hat.
Guests were provided radio stations to tune into as they traveled through a farm maze. Each radio station was set up with a loop of audio pre-recorded by the Fillmore County Dairy Princesses — Alexis Williams, Morgan Wingert, and Kelsey Biel — providing a tour of the farm along the way.
There were two barns that showcased cows eating silage on both sides of the vehicles. The cows were checking out the guests just as much as the guests were checking out the cows.
Throughout the tour, attendees could check out equipment such as tractors, skid loaders, and other machinery needed to run the farm.
At the tail end of the tour, guests were greeted with happy calves.
The last two stops of the Dairy Night on the Farm tour provided attendees with more treats for the trip home. The children of dairy producers volunteered to deliver ice cream to each vehicle. And, the Fillmore County Dairy Princesses stood in front of the Hanson Girls Concessions stand handing out baskets of fresh and squeaky cheese curds.
The Fillmore County ADA pulled together a successful event that offered a unique dairy farm experience while also satisfying suggested social distancing guidelines. For attendees, this free event was “utterly” amazing.
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