Join us for a community conversation on value added agriculture and other topics at the Trinity Church in Spring Grove on May 29, 2019, from 10-11:30 a.m.
With weak markets for conventional commodity products and increasing interest in local, home grown goods, value added agriculture has become a hot topic. What is value added agriculture? It is simply adding value – economic, social, etc. – to the products we produce and the farms we operate. There are many ways to add value in agriculture. Everything from grinding grain for flour and making cheese out of your milk to opening a corn maze and leasing out hunting land.
But while value added agriculture has the potential to increase an operation’s revenue, these options come with a significant amount of extra work and risk. Where are you going to find financing to expand your operation? If you decide to produce an end product like cheese, clothing or alcohol, how comfortable are you with marketing and meeting state and federal regulations? Where do you start?
Why not start with a conversation with your peers and neighbors over coffee? University of Minnesota Extension, the EDAs of Houston County and Spring Grove, and other community partners invite you to just such a conversation at the Trinity Church in Spring Grove on May 29, 2019 from 10-11:30 a.m. The goal of this discussion is twofold – to help build community and to brainstorm ideas centered on value added agriculture in southeast Minnesota.
This conversation is free to attend. Registration is requested so we know how much coffee to make. To register, either visit or call the Fillmore County Extension Office at (507) 765-3896.
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