At the January 14 Fillmore County board meeting Nicole Lehman, DNR Area Hydrologist, explained the reasoning for the suggested language changes. The proposed amendments are centered around a change from “NE” (natural environment) to “Forested.”
Lehman’s area includes Fillmore, Houston and Olmsted Counties. Fillmore County has nearly 500 miles of trout streams, which is about 12.64% of trout streams in the Driftless Area. Lehman believes the suggested changes will protect trout streams which have had that designation since 1993. Protections provide a better habitat for trout. The presence of trout streams contributes to the area economy through tourism.
Recommended changes under “Forested” will include designated trout streams that have not previously been classified by Fillmore County and are recommended to be added to be consistent with current designations. Land use director Blake Lea noted the changes will require more of a setback where the classification is changed. The setback for structures will be increased from 100 feet to 150 feet. The setback for septic systems will be increased from 75 feet to 100 feet. New structures will not be allowed in a floodplain. Lea noted development is already prohibited in the floodplain.
Lehman said the language change to “Forested” will be consistent with the most relevant statewide classification category.
Commissioner Mitch Lentz wanted to know how many landowners will be impacted. Commissioner Duane Bakke requested that a large-scale map be produced so that potential landowner impacts can be recognized. Bakke questioned whether the classification recommendations will distinguish the difference between a trout stream and a dry run. Commissioner Randy Dahl said counties function at the behest of the state and are told to enforce the ordinances the state wants adopted.
Melissa Wagner, area fisheries supervisor, explained water temperature is used to determine a trout stream. Protections have improved water temperature and reduced sediment, providing better conditions for trout.
Lea suggested it may be better to use “Forested/trout stream” for designated trout streams. No action was taken on the DNR recommended changes this day.
Other Business in Brief
- A public hearing was held to allow public input on the sheriff’s department body cameras and the policy for body cameras. There was no comment from the public. Investigator Dan Dornink showed a body camera to the commissioners. At the January 28 meeting the commissioners will consider the purchase of the cameras and the camera policies for the jail and for law enforcement.
- A public hearing is scheduled at 10 am on February 4 for the updated Ordinance Hemp and Cannabis.
- The final reading of the updated Purchasing by Credit Card Policy was approved with the recommended changes. The spending limit for elected officials and department heads will be raised from $5,000 to $7,000 and the spending limit for the county administrator will be raised from $7,000 to $10,000.
- The Work Force Development contract for Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) was approved. The Southeast Adult Mental Health Initiative (SE AMHI) grant agreement/by laws was approved; Olmsted County is the fiscal host. Both the contract and agreement were reviewed by the county attorney’s office.
- Approval was granted to have veterans service officer Jason Marquardt’s name added to the CD at F & M Community Bank that was started by former CVSO Larry Hunt. The current balance is $21,152.92. Funds are to be used for future vehicle replacements as needed.
- Approval was granted to purchase a lowboy trailer for the Highway Department. County Engineer Ron Gregg presented three quotes. The low quote from Hale Trailer in the amount of $80,268 was approved. Approval was given to sell the old low boy trailer by sealed bids.
- After some discussion a request for the county to participate in a MnDOT Limited Use Permit for the operation of snowmobiles in the MnDOT right-of-way on TH 16 was “not” approved. Bakke said the county doesn’t own the property, so why should the county be involved.
- A resolution was adopted approving a conditional use permit with four conditions for Swartzentruber Construction, LLC for a small engine repair and sales shop. Lentz voted no; he felt the conditions should be stricter and should require the property to be free of any debris.
- A driveway access permit for John and Cheryl Quist for a new building site on CR 8 in section 8 of Fillmore Township was approved.
- Advertisement for a replacement Transfer Station Attendant was approved.
- A pay increase was approved for Chelsey Rislove, Public Health RN, after she obtained a certificate for a Public Health Nurse licensure.
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