Recent events are creating a tough situation for Democrats. Robert Mueller’s Russian Investigative team suffered two stinging rebukes from federal judges last week. One judge accused Mueller prosecutors of wasting his time by being unprepared for trial. The other judge accused Mueller’s team of exceeding the parameters of their mandate by looking for ways to “take down” President Trump rather than expose election improprieties by agents of Russia. Over 18 months into the investigation, no evidence has been found linking the Trump campaign to collusion with Russian entities in an attempt to influence the 2016 election. More troubling for Democrats, what has been revealed is that a fake dossier composed of false information was bought from Russian agents by the Clinton Campaign and supplied to the FBI, who illegally used it to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign and later on the Trump Whitehouse.
Meanwhile, President Trump has compiled an impressive list of accomplishments. Tax breaks for working folks, jobs reports, economic growth, unemployment rates, the stock market, all these indicators show a positive outlook for the American economy.
Foreign policy has been equally successful as Muslim terrorists groups have suffered greatly under Mr. Trump’s leadership. There appears to be positive developments with China and on the Korean Peninsula. The bad actors in the world are finding out the hard way what it’s like to deal with an America whose leader lays out a plan and then follows through. Rather than trade five terrorist leaders for one traitor as Mr. Obama did, Mr. Trump brought three American detainees home and his military captured five terrorist leaders, all in one week!
When Mr. Obama traded terrorists killers for Bergdahl, Yvonne Nyenhuis assured us we just needed to be patient and the wisdom of the trade would be revealed. Ms. Nyenhuis, we are still waiting!
All these events have put Democrats and some Never Trumper Republicans in a very tough spot; the more America wins, the more they and their leftist/corrupt agenda lose. They currently have very little to work with, mainly relegated to pinning their hopes on the pathetic machinations of an aging porn star and occasional rants against Trump immigration policies which they themselves are on tape supporting very recently. Their desperation is growing; every passing day is one day closer to revelations that will expose the corruption and lawlessness that has prevailed far too long in our Capitol. They know they must take control of Congress with substantial victories in the midterms or their house of cards will tumble.
So how must Conservatives conduct themselves leading up to November? By staying positive, stating the truth with power and conviction while avoiding the profanity and hate filled speech and lies that have permeated the rhetoric of the Secular Progressives and ultra- leftist Liberals. We will never win over the hard leftists. But by sticking to reason, truth, and facts, all presented without hate and vitriol, we can win in November and keep America on the path back to greatness. God Bless until next time!
kRL says
Makes you wonder what they will say when their former presidents and Hillary go to jail!!
Thomas E.H. says
Do you really think that that would not have happened already with the current administration? If both houses of Congress and the presidency being GOP controlled can’t or won’t bring fmr. First Lady and Secretary Clinton to jail, the odds are not necessarily in your favour. I’m not saying this won’t happen, but merely looking at the timeline and how most arrests and indictments have been in the Trump Administration, not the Clinton campaign.
kRL says
A pair of libtards, wake up you fools!!!!
Thomas E.H. says
Well, that was clever. Perhaps you could expound on that a bit? You know, to make a solid point about something factual instead of doing whatever it is that you just did which won’t help your cause in any way other than make you feel good for some odd reason, because that’s all that extremists in both parties seem to be able to come up with in their spare time.
George says
It appears that Betsy Devos has had a head start on the destruction of our educational system. Maybe one of Bush’s children left behind?
George says
Nineteen witches and several indictments and guilty pleas. Shut off the FOX news and clear your head out.
Herb Panko says
I am amazed, Jeff, at the astonishing level of naivete and ignorance your commentary shows. It is clear evidence that you, along with others, have been hoodwinked and played the gullible fool by the most undeserving president in American history. Either you haven’t been paying attention or you have an inability to read the character and obvious intentions of someone this brazenly evil. This president, it’s plain to see, is not really concerned about what is best for America—only what will give him glory and popularity.
But first let’s dispense with your fake, deceptive conclusion that our rising economy is because of Trump. If you know anything about history, you know that the rise or decline of the economy continues on that path regardless of who is elected president. The economy had been on an upward trajectory at least during the last Obama term. (By the way, was the sudden drop in the stock market recently due to Trump? According to your reasoning, it was.)
Enough of that and on to why Trump is a threat to American ethics, decency, and democracy:
1. Trump admits to being a sexual predator. Review the “Hollywood Access” tape. More than ten women have accused him of sexual assault. Surely you aren’t so naive that you think they are all lying. Does a sexual predator deserve to represent our great country? It appears that this is fine with you. Similarly it’s no secret that he has been an adulterer most of his married life. Marriage is not a sacred institution with him.
2. He constantly berates and resorts to name-calling if anyone disagrees with him. Perhaps his most despicable and reprehensible act was publicly mocking a physically handicapped person at one of his rallies. What decent human being would do that? Since he has a lack of knowledge of history, government, and political issues, he is unable to engage in intellectual debate, so he resorts to ridicule. You must think this is ok, right?
3. Trump has dishonored a war hero, John McCain, and our previous president by lying about his birth certificate, disrespected a Gold Star family whose son sacrificed his life for others in Afghanistan, refuses to condemn White Nationalists waving Confederate flags as being unpatriotic while at the same time hypocritically chastises football players for espousing a noble cause. Is this really the kind of person you think is worthy of representing our American values and our country? Apparently you do.
4. Trump dishonors our basic bedrock, foundational democratic institutions—-freedom of the press, our intelligence agencies, the FBI, and the Courts. There are abundant examples of that. By tearing down the press and our governmental institutions he is encouraging his followers to do the same. That’s why he is a threat to American democracy. But apparently you are also ok with that, right?
5. Trump refuses to acknowledge that Russia launched a full-scale cyber attack on our democratic elections despite the overwhelming agreement of our intelligence agencies and even the vast majority of Republican congressmen. This is tantamount to our armed forces handing over their weapons at the first sign of an enemy invasion. Do you think someone is worthy of being President if he ignores an enemy threat or blatant attack? It certainly looks like you are ok with that.
Anyone who supports this President needs to look in the mirror and question his own values and ethics. I’m hoping, Jeff, that you will see that Trump’s values are not yours.