The Houston County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, March 12, in County Board Room 222 in the historic courthouse in the heart of Caledonia.
Chairman Eric Johnson called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and led his fellow colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
All five county commissioners, namely Dewey Severson, Chairman Eric Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt, and Greg Myhre were present.
Chairman Eric Johnson started by stating, “Okay, we have a light agenda today.”
The agenda and the minutes from the regularly scheduled board meeting on March 5, 2024, were approved as presented.
The consent agenda, including three items, was unanimously approved in one motion. This encompassed changing Patricia Goetzinger Krall’s employment status from that of a temporary/casual 67-day transport officer to a temporary/casual 67-day jailer/dispatcher at an hourly rate of $23.19. Additionally, the resignation of Susan Wiegrefe, a probationary part-time auditor/treasurer in the license center, effective March 11, was acknowledged. Furthermore, a competitive search for a part-time probationary deputy auditor/treasurer for the license center was approved.
The 2024 Tesmer Farm Safety Day received a total of $2,075.00 in donations. Chairman Johnson commented, “This is something that happens. We get donations for Farm Safety Day, so I think it is a good thing.” Motion by Commissioner Burns and seconded by Commissioner Myhre to accept the donations. The motion was unanimously approved.
Commissioners attended a series of meetings over the last seven days. Committee meetings included land use, parks, public health, community service, airport, and jail. Other meetings included Semcac, Workforce Development, and WINLAC.
Chairman Johnson pointed out that a representative from MNDOT will be attending the county’s work group meeting next week to talk about the projects that will be happening throughout La Crescent.
Commissioner Severson reported that the parks committee is finalizing the contract for the Wild Cat Park manager. It is currently being reviewed by the county attorney and should be on the March 26 commission meeting agenda for the commissioners to “yah or nay.”
Severson attended the WINLAC meeting in Winona last week and shared that $35,000 was granted to the city of La Crescent for engineering and design services along Pine Creek which was not included in the $500,000 they received for Pine Creek restoration project along the golf course. He added that Pine Creek is on schedule for 2029 to restore the banks along the entire length of Pine Creek. Severson said it is a “multi-million-dollar project.”
During Commissioner Burns’ report he noted Delta Dental is impressed with Houston County’s dental program and is going to partner with Houston County. Delta Dental, along with other insurance providers, will participate in a pilot program where underinsured residents of Houston County will have the opportunity to go to the local dentist to get their dental work done. There will also be a second day of mobile dental services offered in the county.
Commissioner Schuldt informed the board that Amelia Meiners, Houston County Environmental Services, would like to invite Nicole Lehman, MN DNR to an upcoming county work group session to discuss shoreland rules.
Commissioner Myhre congratulated Houston County EDA Director Allison Wagner for a successful career fair. twenty-seven businesses participated and Northern Engraving people attended and signed up for jobs.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:29 a.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Houston County Commission is Tuesday, March 26, at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Board Room 222, located on the second floor in the historic county courthouse or via the county conference call line at (551) 285-1373 and enter meeting ID: 160 320 1413 and password 471739. Public attendees are requested to mute their line until addressed.
Cynthia says
Hmm.. Seriously, there’s a “dental” program in Houston County? Where? And I’d love to hear about it