Photo by Karen Reisner
At the August 9 Chatfield City Council meeting city clerk Joel Young administered the oath of office to Dave Frank, who was appointed to fill a vacancy on the city council. Mayor Russ Smith read the Athenian Oath, which is basically a promise to make things better and to do no harm. Frank was welcomed back to the council. He served two terms on the council some years back. Councilor Josh Broadwater was absent.
Zoning map amendments
Two separate development plans were approved.
The Planning and Zoning Commission held public hearings on the two development plans at their August 2 meeting. Mike and Julie Sogla proposed the development of a hotel, single-family homes, and townhomes to be located adjacent to Mill Creek Rd. NW and Division St. NW.
The Planning Commission approved the Gjere Addition General Development Plan, preliminary plat and amendment for the development with 13 conditions. The request to amend the zoning district map to B-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) and R-2 (Medium Density Residential) from the RR (Rural Residential) zoning district was considered; the Planning Commission recommended that the city council authorize the Zoning Administrator to amend the Zoning Map from RR Zoning District to B-2 and R-2 Zoning District.
There were no comments at the Planning Commission public hearing. The city council adopted a resolution to approve the Gjere Addition General Development Plan and Preliminary Plat. The resolution to authorize the city attorney to draft an ordinance to rezone the Gjere Addition property from RR Zoning District to B-2 and R-2 was approved.
The Planning Commission also recommended approval of the General Development Plan and Zoning District Amendment with a special modification and mixed use zoning with 11 conditions for the Mill Creek Overlook. Main Street Properties, LLP, proposed a development for an apartment building with underground parking and an RV Campground with 12 camp sites adjacent to Mill Creek Park. The campground will require a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed apartment is to be located adjacent to First St. SW and the end of Bench St. SW (area to be rezoned to R-2, modified Mixed Use). The RV portion is the northern portion of the property and adjacent to Twiford St. SW. There were no comments from the public during the hearing.
A resolution was adopted approving the Mill Creek Overlook General Development Plan with the 11 conditions. Councilor Paul Novotny wanted to know more details about the proposed campground. Young said he will have an opportunity to add conditions for the campground during the CUP process.
A resolution was adopted authorizing the city attorney to draft an ordinance to amend the zoning map from B-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) Zoning District to the Mixed-Use Zoning District to allow for an apartment as recommended by the Zoning Commission.
Other business in brief
•Young reported that the lodging tax was amended by the city council about six weeks ago. By law the tax must be spent on tourism promotional activities. A resolution was adopted directing 95% of all lodging tax proceeds to the Chatfield Alliance to support their effort to market and promote the area as a tourism region.
•Brian Burkholder recommended the purchase of a back-up pump for the swimming pool. The council authorized the purchase of a pump from Ricchio, Inc. for the amount of $6,960. Without both circulation pumps running, the pool can not open; therefore, it is reasonable to have a back-up in case one of the pumps breaks down.
Burkholder explained the pool heater which has burned up was used in the old pool. That heater is not replaceable. Two bids were submitted for a new pool heater, a Raybak 1.8 million Btu heater which will not come until October or later and will not be installed until the spring. Only one bid included the cost for electrical work. Novotny wanted to know how much electrical work will cost so the bids can be fairly compared. This will be revisited at the next council meeting when more information is available.
•Novotny admitted the city’s ball fields are in need of maintenance. The city should work with the school to keep them in condition. Councilor Mike Urban explained the Chatfield Youth Baseball Association has offered to work on the fields. Novotny said it should go through the Park and Recreation Committee. A motion was approved allowing the Baseball Association to make improvements and to have Park and Recreation work out a maintenance schedule with the school. Novotny said the Baseball Association should be reimbursed if they pay for the work initially.
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