By Alan and Liz Mason
Lanesboro, MN
Dear Parents,
I am writing, because we can no longer be silent. What if you knew someone was going to hurt your child? Wouldn’t you want someone to tell you the truth so you could protect them?
We received the email from the school announcing that they were now allowed and giving the children 5 -12 years of age the shot. No, I will not call it a vaccine, because that is not true. I will provide you with sources and information we have uncovered. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. It is breaking our hearts to watch them continue to lie, scare, and hurt you and your loved ones, but now they have crossed the line. I was always told it takes a village to raise a child and we will accept the consequences of speaking the truth. We have nothing to gain from this, only angry backlash. We can live with that. But we could never live with ourselves for not speaking out about this! I realize we are different and outsiders, but we are also parents who love our children, as you do. As a mother, I beg of you to just read and research for yourself. Don’t take our word for it… There is so much truth out there! We feel so strongly about this, that we are putting our reputation on the line.
First; this is not about the health of your kids. Children are not carriers and are not threatened by COVID. If they do contract it, they have a 99.9% chance of survival. There is no reason to give them the shot in the first place. The injection contains several questionable compounds such as graphene oxide, parasites, (hydra), metal, carbon aluminum structures, nano filaments, MRNA proteins, (which are gene altering), aborted fetal tissue, etc. The injections have dramatic effects on young people, especially causing heart issues. Despite the tons of evidence most media and politics are pushing hard for people to get injected, especially kids. Have you ever asked why?? They are committing crimes against humanity either by ignorance and stupidity, mental programming or corruption and greed.
The head of the FDA has publicly stated that they want to give this to kids to see how they will react. To see… Really? Even if it’s adverse? Do you realize there is no accountability if your child does have an adverse reaction, or unthinkably dies because of it. No one accepts responsibility.
There are no benefits! It does not stop them from contracting COVID, doesn’t stop the spread, doesn’t limit the symptoms, or guarantee anything! If anything, it increases their risks.
The Stew Peters show is a wealth of information and truth. He is from Minnesota, a father of three and a man after the heart of God. He has a video show dedicated to sharing the truth. With world renowned doctors, scientists, and lawyers as guests that are standing up and sharing what they have found as well. You must use the search engine “Duck Duck Go” and it will come right up. Google and other media outlets are censoring the truth.
Ultimately, the choice is yours when it comes to your children…we just want you to make the most informed decision possible. We are sorry if this offended anyone, that is not our intent. If you are undecided, please wait! This has only been out a very short time and your children deserve a life and a future without the chance of severe adverse reactions. Please don’t let your fear or peer pressure push you into making a rush judgment and leave you with regret. Once it’s done, there are no do-overs.
A Patriot says
It appears to me that Biden, Fauci (A flip flopping catfish), and that members of the DCP (Democratic Communist party) are dividing this country by vaccinated/unvaccinated people. This is a slippery slope and a dangerous road to follow. Why stop here? Let’s separate people with cancer, TB, smokers, etc, from the rest of the population that do not have these and all the other diseases? Why does Biden test people that come into the country on an airplane while letting a couple million illegals into the country without testing them and then shipping them all other the US? Makes no sense. I think the Democrats all drink water from the same stupid well. The DCP spreads fear and fear is a powerful weapon. How much more personal freedoms are needed to be taken away before people wake up to what is happening? I had the vaccine because it was my “choice”. Not a mandate. Benjamin Franklin basically stated that if you are willing to give up freedom for safety, you do not deserve either one. God bless the USA. Except for CA, NY, and Delaware.
Todd French says
“Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe—practiced a faith called Deism. Deism is a philosophical belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems.” In other words they were not front row church goers.
Asking for GOD’s blessing for some but not others to me seems to be contrary Christianity beliefs.
A Concerned Doctor says
I do not doubt that the Mason’s sincerely believe these things, however what they believe is fiction. Sometimes it is hard to know truth from fiction but they are choosing to follow to whoever is propagating this fiction. Perhaps they should talk to a trusted physician. We can and will help them to learn and understand the medical facts without judgement.
Kevin O'Donnell, MD says
Publishing these conspiracy theories in the middle of a pandemic is dangerous. Hospitals in Minnesota are struggling to handle the current surge of patients. I work in a hospital in Minnesota and we have to take patients from all over the state because the hospital system is overwhelmed. I have seen many vaccine hesitant patients die from COVID-19 after vaccines were widely available. The vast majority of patients in the hospital are unvaccinated.
This dangerous and blatantly inaccurate information being published here is disappointing for this newspaper.
Cindy H. says
Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Mason for speaking out. The Alternative news is where we can get the to the truth. The mainstream media is part of the big pharma and big medical propaganda, which does not put humanity first. It is obvious since the victims of this experimental “vaccine” are not given a voice and are not being helped. Real serious harm has been done to them and they are being turned away.
anonymous says
Get educated……
Scott Ewalt says
I was very disappointed to see an article like this published in our local paper. People are entitled to their own opinion but not to “alternative facts”. We have a problem with mis-information in this country and this article contributes to it. There is no place for this in an intelligent discussion of this subject or any other.
Mary T. Bell says
In Response to the November 22 letter regarding Dangerous Choices
As a grandparent I am so proud of our two older grandkids who got vaccinated so we could feel safe and hug each other again. Last week our 10 and our 7-year-old grandsons were able to meet their 9-month-old cousin for the very first time because they got vaccinated. Witnessing their overwhelming joy in being together was incredible. We are grateful that our family has chosen to do there very best to keep others safe. This is bigger than self–it is caring deeply for others.
Mary T. Bell
Eric Luoma says
There are at least 4 topics here: Mandates vs personal freedom (being available to kids isn’t the same as being mandated, albeit there is plenty of room for honest debate on this topic), efficacy, safety, and information/disinformation sources.
To navigate the first three topics, we first need good information. Boy is that tough these days! It is true that there are rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination, but there is a lot of disinformation in this letter about what’s in the vaccine that does not help when trying to understand the true risk/benefit. What is myocarditis and pericarditis? What is the risk to me or my children? These are good questions — ASK YOUR DOCTOR! There is no fetal tissue, graphene oxide, or metal (unless you’re parsing the periodic table — I mean, there’s metal in a bowl of cereal if you count the mineral additives). And mRNA DOES NOT ALTER GENES! These statements are flat-out wrong, and such disinformation confuses legitimate discussion on risk/benefit.
The “m” in mRNA stands for messenger. It is not a protein, it is a ribonucleic acid, and it does NOT alter genes. Its function is to serve as a “messenger” to the ribosomes within living cells for the synthesis of proteins, before it’s broken down into its constituent nucleotides. The vaccine’s “message” is to create a COVID spike protein so you don’t have to be injected with lots of “real” spike protein from the virus–or actual live, attenuated virus particles–for your immune response to kick in. Basically, your arm muscle that received that really thin needle acts like a cheap 3d printer to make a knock-off spike protein that lasts just long enough to trigger your immune system. The mRNA was the blueprint. The ribosome the factory. The nucleus of the cell, which contains your genetic material, had nothing to do with it. So, if there’s a conspiracy, it’s that the nucleus was left out.
My biggest surprise was that the “knock-off” protein would work so well. And yes, I had questions about safety and efficacy when the vaccine was under development. But it’s been through clinical trials and, with hundreds of millions of doses administered, is likely one of the most thoroughly studied vaccines in history. I’m satisfied. But don’t take my word for any of this. A high school biology teacher (or book) can tell you about mRNA. Your local doctor or pharmacist can discuss the vaccine and potential side effects and/or ingredient issues. We’ve got great doctors and pharmacists and county health professionals in Fillmore County! As for Stew Peters? Yeah, I looked him up and have serious questions about his motives. He’s a right-wing talk radio host, with a rather interesting history as a bounty hunter. And yes, to be balanced, left wing pundits should be greeted with skepticism too. People like that get rich by preying on legitimate questions and concerns and stoking them into fear and hatred. Your home-town health professionals don’t get rich, but they try to make a living by helping people. I think the authors are trying to help people too . . . but they are tragically misdirected with much of this disinformation.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
What about the animal trials? Were they done? And if so what wsnthe outcome?
Jan says
Jan says
Excellent Response; right on target!
As for Stew Peters…..
Ross Kramer says
Thank you to the Masons for your article in the journal. If you are different than I guess that I am too. Those of us who are questioning what to believe or not believe gets shot down by the vocal politicians and news and people like Mr. French with his comment. There is false information coming from both sides of the discussion but the believers in the vaccinations and the mandates and such will never admit to all of the false information that they throw out there. This is America. Don’t we have the right to say no, at least until there’s more information on how good the vaccines actually are and how safe?
If you want to get vaccinated and you believe it’s going to help, go for it. I am vaccinated but I question whether or not I should have been. But now people are losing their jobs over it? That’s crazy! How long before you vocal believers will have the unvaccinated locked down in camps?? That’s beyond scary and ridiculous.
Todd French says
Mr. Kramer, over 700,000 people have been locked down and died in camps a.k.a. hospitals. Life is full of choices and I do hope you choose to get vaccinated. I do support your right not get vaccinated, just not to infect others if you do get infected.
Polio, Smallpox, Tetanus, Shingles, and other vaccines too numerous to list here have worked out for me. How many do you have in this list?
Anonymous says
jgrevstad says
This is pure conspiracy theory in this column and I am so disappointed that this was published by a local paper. To pass on this false information to readers is truly disgusting and harmful to all who read it.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Todd French says
“Credulity is a person’s willingness or ability to believe that a statement is true, especially on minimal or uncertain evidence. Credulity is not necessarily a belief in something that may be false: the subject of the belief may even be correct, but a credulous person will believe it without good evidence.”
One of the easiest miss truths in your essay is that the Stew PeterS show is not searchable on Google. My search on it brought back 3,790,00 results and was easily able to connect to a site to listen to his PCRadio Show. Don’t know how credible he is with statements like this:
Ally Carter says that her biological mother routinely slept with authority figures, and soon initiated her own children. At 13 she was being trafficking to Local police chiefs, Hollywood power players, celebrities like John Travolta, Beyoncé, and politicians like Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. She stepped forward before the election, but was ignored. In this interview with Stew she tells the whole satanic story