Financial consultant Mike Bubany and EDA coordinator Chris Giesen updated the Harmony City Council about the Dairyland project at the February 11 council meeting. The council had been planning to approve the agreement approvals necessary to move forward with establishing a TIF district along with the business subsidy agreement, but Dairyland Cooperative asked the city to table the agreements as they have recently identified some soil issues at the building site. “The intent is still there to move forward with the project,” Giesen said. “They just want to make sure the building doesn’t start sinking in 30 years. They want to do what’s right for the project and the community.” Construction was originally planned to begin in the fall of 2020, but Dairyland would like to delay it until spring of 2021. A public hearing had been opened at the start of the meeting to discuss the TIF and business subsidy law, and Bubany noted that the hearing will be recalled when the Dairyland project moves forward again. The council voted to table the agreements as requested.
Larry Nolan spoke on behalf of the Harmony Ambulance service. The ambulance is usually traded in every four years, and since it has been that long since it was last done, Nolan asked the council for permission to begin the bidding process. “We only got the one rig which is why we want to keep it up,” Nolan said. The council approved the request.
Fire Department Chief Rod Johnson presented a quote for a new fire truck to the council. The department has been looking into options for replacing their light duty rescue truck, which was purchased in 1995, with a heavy rescue truck for some time now. The heavy rescue truck would allow them to have more equipment and supplies available on scene. Tom Soland from MacQueen Emergency was also present at the meeting to discuss the quote. He noted that the method of procuring new equipment such as the heavy rescue truck has been changing from a bidding process to a group buying option through HGAC, which is a cooperative buying program. Soland recommended that the city use that method, which would take less time than bidding it out, pointing out that several other neighboring towns have used and been happy with HGAC. The League of Minnesota Cities also endorses it. City Administrator Jerome Illg noted that the quote of $365,966 is much higher than what is currently available in the capital equipment fund and recommended that several members of the council and the fire department have a meeting to discuss options and make a plan of action for the purchase of a heavy rescue truck before the council makes a decision. The matter was tabled until next month’s meeting.
Chris Giesen gave the 2019 Harmony Economic Development Authority annual activity report. The EDA met once a month for regular meetings plus two special meetings. They are continuing to work on the bike trail expansion project with the goal of opening it in 2021. Two new loans were issued for new businesses in Harmony in 2019 and there are currently 17 active loans. Since the beginning of the loan program, 66 loans have been granted for a total amount of $1,096,532.
Council member Lynn Mensink noted that a Poetry Slam will be held at Estelle’s on March 19 and the Alash Tuvan throat singers will be performing at the Jem Theatre on March 24.
The council reviewed Canton’s social media policy and approved a motion to implement a similar policy for the City of Harmony.
Mayor Steve Donney noted that this was Administrator Illg’s last meeting with the council before he leaves his position. “I’d like to thank him for his years of service and wish him well in his future endeavors,” he said. Retired City Works Director Chris Johnson was also in attendance at the meeting. “We’d also like to thank Chris Johnson for his many years of service.” Mayor Donney said, adding that Johnson has agreed to help out part-time until his position can be filled.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be on March 10 at 7 p.m.
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