The Houston County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, October 1, and approved a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Bruce Mann to build a home on a 3.77 acre parcel off Braaten Drive in Black Hammer Township.
The only conditions were the usual two regarding compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and that the county may enter onto the premises at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner to ensure the permit holder is complying with the conditions and all other applicable statues, rules and ordinances. The applicant met all criteria for granting a CUP. The findings noted that the property was split in 2018, an agricultural building was permitted in 2020, a well was drilled in 2023, and a septic system was permitted earlier this year and has been installed.
It was confirmed that the county did not receive any comments from Black Hammer Township or the 10 nearest property owners.
Chairman Eric Johnson called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and led his colleagues and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners present included Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Bob Schuldt, and Greg Myhre. Commissioner Robert (Bob) Burns was absent.
On August 27, Michelle Ashmore and James Grondin were appointed to the absentee ballot board, and on October 1, the board approved adding them to the county’s payroll as temporary/casual employees at a rate of $15.88 per hour.
County Attorney Samuel Jandt authored an annual contract between the Juvenile Detention Center (JDC) and Minnesota counties interested in signing a one-year contract with the JDC. To save time, Jandt suggested that Sheriff Brian Swedberg be the authorized representative for the administration of the contracts. Chairman Johnson noted that in the past, county contracts were brought to the board for approval and questioned the reason for this change. Swedberg explained that it will be easier and quicker than bringing each contract to the board. The board was asked to approve the contract and grant Swedberg authorization to sign it. However, the board agreed that they would like to see each contract, and that the board chair will sign off on each one. Swedberg will bring a revised contract back to the board at their next meeting.
The board approved the purchase of a 1-ton flatbed pickup from Saxon Fleet Services in the amount of $54,838 and a flatbed for $4,645 from Lone Star Truck Parts. The board also accepted a quote from Sazon Fleet Services in the amount of $47,513 for a ¾-ton flatbed pickup. It is expected that unit 3171 will be sold for $24,000.
They accepted the low quote of $10,570.54 from Schmitz Refrigeration, Heating & A.C. to replace two air conditioning units at the Meyer building. “The current units have been leaking fluid and the R-410A refrigerant used in these units is being phased out,” according to County Engineer Brian Pogodzinski. “The units are approximately 14 and 15 years old.” The second quote was from Winona Control was $12,000.
Following board reports, County Surveyor Eric Schmitt explained that Spring Grove Township hired him about five years ago to do a survey of Bee Hill Drive where a fence had been installed across the road. The Township Attorney contacted Schmitt to see if he would ride out there with the sheriff’s office present to see if the landowner had moved the buildings off the right-of-way as court ordered. Schmitt would like the board’s blessing to go out or if they would like him to stay away entirely. Board members were in consensus that Schmitt should go with the deputy, except for Commission Myhre, as he did not think the county should be involved. The other board members said that the county was already involved since Schmitt had testified in the case as a county employee.
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes from the September 24 board meeting.
- Approved the Green Acres and Rural Preserve Payback policy, letter, payback process and resolution form as recommended by County Assessor Luke Onstad.
- Approved resolution number 24-37 and the revised grant agreement with the MnDOT for improvements at the county airport, excluding land acquisition.
- Approved resolution number 24-38 granting authorization to execute Minnesota Department of Transportation grant agreement for airport Improvement excluding land acquisition.
- Approved paying bills in the amount of $554,368.28.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:03 a.m.
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