Clerk Mary Miner shared the new City of Rushford Village’s website with the council at their November 21 meeting. Miner demonstrated the user-friendly site, noting that by using the contact us button residents could directly send an email to the staff. Citizens can also request an email whenever something new is added to the site. Councilman Travis Link commented, “It does really look nice!”
The new site is: Miner will put a notice on the old site directing users to the new site.
2024 CEDA Contract
The CEDA (Community Economic Development Associates) contract for 2024 totalling $15,202 was approved by the council after discussion. The 2023 contract had been $14,479. In the past, CEDA was hired for specific projects, but it had been determined it was more cost effective to have a yearly contract.
Rebecca Charles of CEDA has been working on the Comp Plan which should be completed in March. Councilman Link opined that it would be nice to see the Comp Plan completed. Councilman Mike Ebner agreed that he’d like to see Charles stay on and follow through on the plan. Mayor Dennis Overland said they need to make sure to give Charles direction, “We have a unique city compared to the other cities she works with.” He wanted Charles to look for grants suitable for the city and be available to help residents searching for grants as well.
PWD Report
Trenten Chiglo, CRV’s PWD, reported that Minnesota Pump Works had inspected the city’s lift station and found that both pumps had failing seals on the brackets that are used to raise the pumps. Chiglo will check on cost of replacement and suggested that if they were too expensive, he might be able to make a seal.
Chiglo shared a list of equipment that could be sold with the council. Originally, the small V-plow and a snowblower were on the list, but Chiglo felt these should be kept. He said that if a snowblower were to be needed, it would be needed immediately. The small V-plow could be used on a truck if conditions called for it.
The finish mower for the tractor was added to the list; it had been saved as a backup, but Chiglo felt the zero turn works much better. Chiglo also brought up the possibility of returning 10 extra sheets of 2” foam insulation to Badger that were left over from the recent construction project. Chiglo reported that CRV had no use for the excess insulation. The council directed staff to contact Darr Auction and get the list of equipment on their schedule for auction.
The testing device for fluorine and chlorine in water is not testing the same as the lab results. It had been recalibrated recently, but may just be old and need replacing. Chiglo was directed to check into repairing the device and given permission to purchase a replacement if the device was deemed irreparable. The device is used weekly; the Department of Health noticed issues with the testing this week and contacted CRV with its concerns.
Upcoming Meetings
December 5 at 6:45 p.m. will be the Truth-in-Taxation meeting for CRV; the regular council meeting will follow the TNT meeting. A zoning meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. December 19; the regular council meeting will follow that at 7 p.m. at CRV office.
The annual CRV meeting will be January 16 at 7:00 p.m. There will be no January 2 meeting.
March 5 is presidential primary voting at CRV hall; there will not be a council meeting that evening because the hall will be used as a polling place.
The public is welcome to attend the meetings; a public comment period is available at the beginning of the meeting.
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