Photo by Wanda Hanson
The City of Rushford Village council received the well pump inspection report at their October 19 meeting. Public Works/Maintenance Supervisor Trenton Chiglo informed the council that the inspection of the well pumps by McCarthy Well Company came back with all “good” ratings with the exception of one spot on well #2 which received a “fair.”
Council member Mike Ebner suggested that someone check the electrical resistance on that line and fix it if needed. Member Roger Knutson commented it would be good to know the actual pumping rate rather than just a “good” or “fair” rating so they could keep an eye on any decreases. The company will be contacted to find out if they have that kind of data for the city.
Paul Ness will be hired to perform the state job match description and grade/compensation study for CRV. Ness has completed similar studies for the cities of Chatfield and Spring Grove. Ness, who is from the Twin Cities, area will travel to CRV for onsite meetings twice and do some of his work via the internet or phone. The study has a base price of $1,100 with a total expense of $2,000 to $2,500. He will be inspecting job descriptions and contract agreements currently in place and then will set the grade.
CRV once again has to refund tax money this year to Northern Natural Gas per a tax court decision. The company maintains that they do not own the property their pipes go through and therefore do not need to pay taxes. Recent refunds totaled $458.92 in 2018 and $502.50 in 2019.
Trenton Chiglo reported to the council that replacement road signs have been ordered for the signs that no longer passed the reflection inspection. The water hydrants have been flushed; the Sherwood Street water main will be relocated this week.
Rebecca Charles of the CEDA reminded everyone to complete the recent survey.
New permits were issued for the following: a hayshed to Rick Ruberg, demolition of an old house to Brian Krambeer, an ag fence to Jon Peterson, and replacement of a deck and deck railing to Rod and Deb Morcomb. Upcoming permits for consideration will include concrete in a shed to Rick Ruberg and home remodeling to Sam Stensgard.
Planning and Zoning Administrator Jon Petit urged interested members to attend the public hearing on campgrounds at the Fillmore County courthouse October 21. The purpose of the hearing was to consider the definition of a campground. With the new definition, land with up to four sites without compensation for the use would not be considered a campground, while five or more sites would be regardless of whether there was compensation or not. CRV will need to follow whatever the decision is by the county or be even more restrictive.
Noting that the land at South Rushford Park was not being fully utilized, Mike Ebner brought up for discussion the possibility of dividing it into two parcels and selling one for home construction. He suggested that the proceeds from the sale could be used to upgrade the playground equipment at the remaining park. Mayor Dennis Overland mentioned the land might be needed for water runoff if the land to the south was developed for homes. No decision was made on the idea.
There will be no council meeting on November 2 because the special R-P School Board election will be going on at CRV Hall that day. The next CRV Council meeting will be November 16 at 7 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.
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