The Spring Grove School Board met on Monday evening, July 19, 2021, from 7:04 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. in the school’s Learning Resource Center. Board members in attendance were Chairman Aaron Solum, Stephanie Jaster, Kelly Rohland, Jenny Stender, Aric Elton, and Rhan Flatin.
The board approved the agenda and minutes of the regular board meeting of June 21, and the Treasurer’s Report/approval of bills, established bonding for 2021-22 and out-of-state tuition rates, Bank Depository and Official Depositories for investments.
The board reviewed and approved the following policies: Out of State Travel by Board Members, Family and Medical Leave Policy, and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy.
The 2021-2022 membership contracts were approved: Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA), Southeast Service Cooperative (SSC), Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED), Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA), and Region V Finance (Region V).
The prices of hot lunch and breakfast for 2021-22 will remain the same as 2020-2021. Parents are reminded that lunches are free, so all Spring Grove families need to complete and submit the reduced lunch application forms to the school.
Welcome, Evah Engel, the new K-12 Instrumental Music teacher, to Spring Grove.
The board accepted the resignation of Kaitlin Bratland and thanked her for her service to the school’s junior high volleyball team.
Superintendent Rachel Udstuen and Athletic Director Michelle Anderson recommended the board approve the coaching staff for 2021-22 noting that there are still positions to fill. Volleyball: head – Kelsey Morken, assistant/junior varsity – Taylor Elton, junior high head – Julianna Lile; football: head – Kody Moore, assistant – Aric Elton, assistants – Kaare Sanness and Donny Hagen, junior high – Brian Anderson; girls basketball: head – Kody Moore, assistant/junior varsity – Blaine Storlie, junior high head – Taylor Elton: head – Wade Grinde, assistant/junior varsity- Al Lochner, junior high head – Aric Elton, junior high assistant – Toby Leahy; baseball: head – Chris Strinmoen, assistant/junior varsity – Blaine Storlie. Unanimously approved.
Principal Luke Kjelland, via Google Meet, reported that next year’s 1-5 grade class lists went out in a letter with student report cards, and incoming kindergarten students will be notified in August who their teacher is.
Assistant Superintendent Gina Meinertz shared in her written report that the school received a $7,000 grant for the middle school’s Farm School Partnership, explaining, “The grant will cover bussing, supplies, professional development, and interactive learning opportunities for our middle school students!”
“We are going without face coverings this summer, and all is going well,” shared Superintendent Udstuen. “We don’t know what the plan is for this fall yet. We will have to wait until fall and look at the data.”
The board unanimously approved streaming games next school year via NFHS Network as this is the platform most of the schools in the district are going with. If families and friends cannot watch the game live, the game can be watched later. Users can watch any game in the nation. Udstuen shared that NFHS Network is free to the district, and they provide the equipment and installation is free. Parents will have to pay to access the network, which is where the network makes their money.
The Critical Race Theory (CRT), a current hot topic, is not taught in Minnesota schools. Instead, Educational Equity Theory (EET) is taught in Minnesota schools.
Using the white board, Udstuen reviewed the school’s core values.
•Student Learning and Strong Transitions
•Belonging and connections
•Emotional Safety
•Physical Safety
•Parent Confidence and Partnership
•Community Confidence and Partnership
The following goals identified by the Board provide direction for the school’s 2021-22 planning process.
•Keep students and staff physically safe.
•Care for the social-emotional needs of students and staff.
•Keep learning the priority to create a strong learning environment no matter the delivery model.
•Reduce inequities by meeting the learning needs of students.
•Parent/Community Confidence and Partnership
The board accepted the superintendent’s recommendation to keep the participation fees the same as 2020-2021 and established the athletic admission prices and established the board salaries for 2021-22.
The board unanimously approved the Fillmore County Journal as the school’s official newspaper for 2021-22.
The school received two bids for bread and bread products and milk and milk products. The bid was unanimously awarded to Kemps.
The Clifton Larson Allen Audit Engagement proposal was approved by the board.
The next regular meeting of the Spring Grove Public School Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, August 16, 2021, at 7 p.m. The school will continue to offer the board meetings on Google Meet for anyone who would like to attend virtually. For assistance monitoring the meeting, contact the district office at (507) 498-3221 or email
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