By David Webb, MD
Lanesboro, MN
In his May Day report to constituents, Congressman James Hagedorn wrote that he was “grateful to President Trump and Vice President Pence for their leadership throughout the pandemic.” It makes one wonder what he must be smoking.
Thanks largely to the disingenuous, self-serving, and utterly inept response of the President to the unfolding crisis, there have now been 67,000 confirmed American deaths from COVID-19 – and counting. To put that number in perspective, that’s 16,000 times the number of Americans killed by insurgents during the 2012 Benghazi debacle on the Obama/Hillary Clinton watch for which she was vilified by many Republicans, 17 times the number of Americans killed during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the Bush/Cheney watch, and several thousand more Americans killed than during the entire Vietnam war on Kennedy’s, Johnson’s, and Nixon’s watches. That’s also more in just three months than the annual death toll from influenza in any year since the pandemic of 1918-1919. Even more worrisome, as of today, only 14% of the confirmed cases in the U.S. have recovered, suggesting that we’re just getting started.
Can anyone seriously doubt that a timely, comprehensive, science-based, and humane governmental response could have averted catastrophe? Consider the case of Taiwan, a nation of 23.5 million, with a population density 20 times greater than the U.S., just 110 miles from mainland China, and at the time of the COVID-19 outbreak having daily flights between Wuhan and Taipei. From the get-go, the democratically elected government implemented appropriate containment and mitigation measures, with the result that to date, there have been only six confirmed COVID-19 related fatalities in Taiwan. Or take New Zealand – zero fatalities. And now Hagedorn, the President, and Representatives Emmer and Stauber are keen to keep open/reopen giant meatpacking plants that have become the largest coronavirus hot spots in the country, regardless of the workers not having the sanitizing supplies, personal protective equipment, or the testing that they need and were promised.
When Congress passed the Defense Production Act, it certainly did not have in mind that the President would have the power or the right to put workers’ lives and health at risk – and not just the workers’, but also their spouses’, their children’s, their extended families’, their neighbors’. The act was really about marshaling production for a state of war. If one perceives that we’re in a war now, the weapons we need are not hot dogs and pork chops. The weapons we actually need are testing equipment, ventilators, and particularly personal protective equipment for our brave health care providers, sanitation workers, fire fighters, transport workers, and others on the front lines.
As Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, put it, “We only wish that this administration cared as much about the lives of working people as it does about meat, pork, and poultry products.” The same, I guess, goes for Representative Hagedorn.
Ross Kramer says
Do you “lefties” listen to yourselves? And before I make these comments I need to preface it by saying that I am not President Trump’s biggest fan. BUT, when President Trump was wanting to close the borders and build a wall, what were you all screaming??? “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” So the borders were wide open and the Covid came in because everyone( those making big money like I assume the wise MD makes anyways) wants to travel all over the world. Those people brought it in. So now that it’s here, you wanted the borders closed and everyone on lockdown. WOW! That’s genius! Have your cake and eat it too!
David R Webb MD says
Do you really think a wall across the Southern border could have kept out the virus? Amazing! In fact, most COVID in the US entered neither from China nor Mexico, but rather from business and tourists coming to the East coast from Europe when no constraints were placed on commerce or travel and no testing was being done.
Ross Kramer says
David R Webb and Thomas E,
WOW! You two educated men think that I was trying to say that a wall would’ve kept Covid out? WOW! Totally not my point! My point is you all wanted everyone free to move about however anyone wants to. Now when we have a major problem lets put everyone ander house arrest. Genius.
I don’t have a lot of time today as I am just an uneducated farmer who still works every day trying to help feed America and the world while trying to keep the bankers happy and making a lot of money for everyone up on my back. But I have a question for Mr Webb MD. What was the point of all of your facts and numbers and comparisons? That you don’t like President Trump? Or more than that? The only comparisons that I see are comparig influenza numbers versus Covid numbers. However, you tilted the numbers to help make your point by using total population numbers. I ask you to recalculate with percentage of total population as there are a lot more people now. Tell e how close it is then. And then tell me how it matters??? No one created this “monster”. Not intentionally anyways. Unless you have genius scientists who can prove that President Trump did it.
Ross Kramer says
Pardon my typing mistakes Thomas E. I never took typing class. Truly humbled that I can even try to share a stage with you two.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Ross Kramer
//WOW! You two educated men think that I was trying to say that a wall would’ve kept Covid out? WOW! Totally not my point!//
Perhaps you should be more clear next time. I don’t know how bright you are. I take your words at face value.
//My point is you all wanted everyone free to move about however anyone wants to.//
False. Is that your perception? Remarkable. Here I was thinking that I wanted borders secured actually, not symbolically. We can have the discussion about the border wall, just let me know.
//Now when we have a major problem lets put everyone ander house arrest. Genius.//
Yes. We have a major problem. You know, the one that’s killed 80,000 Americans in the last 2 months.
//I don’t have a lot of time today as I am just an uneducated farmer who still works every day trying to help feed America and the world while trying to keep the bankers happy and making a lot of money for everyone up on my back.//
What do you grow?
Ross Kramer says
Why didn’t you post my earlier replys today? Here goes again.
David Webb and Thomas E.H.,
I can’t believe that someone would believe that I was trying to say that a wall at the Mexican border would’ve stopped the Covid from coming here! Especially two well educated people. I’m not 3 years old. My point was that your viewpoint before Covid was that everyone and anyone should be free to go anywhere that they want. Correct? Now that Covid is here, you sound like you want everyone basically under house arrest. Correct? The world’s population can’t move to Lanesboro and live “frugally”. Do you have a guess how long it would take for starvation to set in for many people and all hell would break loose?
The “facts” and comparisons in your original article are things that you twisted for your agenda. And the “far right” does the same thing. I suggest that you go back to college and take classes on how to look at all sides of an issue.
Ross Kramer says
I apologize for repeating some points in my replys but I didn’t see the first ones posted so tried again.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Ross Kramer
Real people have to first approve posts. It takes time. I get it.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Ross Kramer
//My point was that your viewpoint before Covid was that everyone and anyone should be free to go anywhere that they want. Correct?//
Incorrect. I’d be happy to have that discussion.
//Now that Covid is here, you sound like you want everyone basically under house arrest. Correct?//
Not quite, but close enough.
//The world’s population can’t move to Lanesboro and live “frugally”.//
Good Lord, of course not.
//Do you have a guess how long it would take for starvation to set in for many people and all hell would break loose?//
Starvation sets in gradually, once food is restricted or denied. But in terms of what I think you mean, starvation has already set in for many. Check out India. All hell may very well break loose. Around here? We live in a food desert. Millions of acres surround us, crops a-bountiful, but hardly a scrap of it would be deemed as food.
You said “feed America and the world” in your other post. Again, what food do you produce? (Originally I said “grow” but it’s probably more accurate to say produce if you have livestock)
Thomas E.H. says
@ Ross
Do you listen to your own logic? How would a border wall have helped?
And the borders weren’t wide open because lefties said “YOU CAN’T DO THAT” lol
If that’s all it took, the president is VERY weak.
Ross Kramer says
David Webb, MD. MD in what area? Making/made a very nice income I bet??? No worries for you! Farmers depend on meatpacking plants for income so they can try to pay bills AND consumers want affordable food. Sidenote: the packing plants make way more money than the farmers do. And your numbers for comparisons between what has killed how many people means nothing. How do any of those things relate to each other?
David R Webb MD says
While you are apparently disinclined to let any facts get in the way of your prejudices, I would point out for the record that I am a retiree, living on a fixed income. I have not traveled abroad since serving my country in the Peace Corps, 1970-1972. I’m proud to say that in the course of my career, I never, and often to the chagrin of corporate employers, turned away anyone seeking care – documented or undocumented, able to pay or not. My wife and I live frugally and expect to get by well enough with Social Security and Medicare, unless Jared Kushner and Mitch McConnell succeed in taking them away. But, I thank you for your concern.
Ross Kramer says
Your facts in your article are basically pointless. But I commend you for the Peace Corps and not turning away those in need.
Kim Wentworth says
You can put Dr. in front of any name, it does not wash away the stupidity. Maybe we could put Dr. in front of our governor’s name.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
Could you identify the “stupid” parts you are referring to?
Point by point.
Ross Kramer says
I’ll take a guess at what Kim might have been trying to say. High IQ’s and college educations and political offices don’t necessarily make people smart.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Ross Kramer
//I’ll take a guess at what Kim might have been trying to say.//
Guess away.
//High IQ’s and college educations and political offices don’t necessarily make people smart.//
That’s true. Intelligence and smartness are linked, but not the same thing. However, any civilized person would wager that getting a higher education sure is a good sign the brain can handle complex issues.
IQ tests are overrated, but fun.
Nah, they don’t make people smart. The learnt experiences do.
Another a wannabe CNN fake news reporter. Do you know that 70 to 90 per cent of generic medications come from China and India. That’s just one thing. Just think about all things we use every day that are made in China that we no longer make, So how could shut he down the country quickly. As a doctor what are you doing to help, other than writing smack about our president?
Thomas E.H. says
I’ll bet you’re one of those folks who wants to make English America’s national language. XD
Ross Kramer says
Insulting someone’s typing/writing skills? Nice. David Webb MD’s article is garbage.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Ross
Only if he’s one of the people I described. If not, then no.
David R Webb MD says
If you think that governments should be at all accountable for their actions and inaction, consider the numbers from other Pacific rim countries, physically much closer to and much more trade-dependent on China than the US, but having altogether different responses to the pandemic than the Trump administration’s. The COVID-19 statistics as of May 13, 2020:
New Zealand: 21 deaths, 1,497 confirmed cases, of which 94% have recovered
Singapore: 21 deaths, 25,346 confirmed cases, of which 19% have recovered
South Korea: 259 deaths, 10,962 confirmed cases, of which 88% have recovered
Taiwan: 7 deaths, 440 confirmed cases, of which 85% have recovered
Vietnam: 288 confirmed cases, of which 87% have recovered
US: 84,353 deaths, 1,420,421 confirmed cases, of which only 22% have recovered!
Wykoff Wykat says
Mr. Webb MD:
It’s soooooooo easy to Monday Morning quarterback, isn’t it?? What do your shining star examples all have in common? Small island/peninsulas with populations that, for the most part, are third world players. I seem to recall president Trump implementing a travel ban from China, calling this the Wuhan virus, all the while getting ripped by the left and the media as a racist. From day one, he’s preached America First. What has been a struggle through this pandemic?? Lack of cooperation from China. Lack of medical supplies/medicine. Coincidentally, also made in China by the way.
In your world, you’d prefer everyone to lock themselves in their houses based on something the supposed experts know nothing about, all the while collapsing the largest economy in the world, resulting in a population totally dependent on the government. (Cloward/Piven??? I’m sure you’re familiar with. “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste”)
Yes, unfortunately people are dying from this, but far fewer than the initial data and charts told us would. And at least here in Minnesota, those affected are heavily skewed towards those with underlying conditions and the elderly. We’ve followed the lead suggested by our governor to “flatten the curve”. Now the data is in. Protect the vulnerable, and let the rest of us get back to work and live our lives.
You want to know why Trump won in ‘16 and will win in ‘20?? Aside from the fact Biden is a clown, the heart of this country is sick of elites telling everyone what is best for them. I won’t put you in that class. I’ll leave that for you to decide. Washington DC could disappear tomorrow and we’d all be better off. Until the $30 trillion bill comes due…….
Ross Kramer says
David R Webb MD says
What do these “third world” countries actually have in common, other than being so closely tied to China commercially and geographically? Namely, that as soon as the entire world had knowledge of an impending epidemic, their governments initiated appropriate containment and mitigation measures. For the record, their combined population is 181,438,292, i.e., over half that of the US. Their aggregate death toll from COVID-19 is 609, i.e., less than 1% that of the US. Probably, citizens of Singapore, South Korea, and New Zealand would take exception to be labeled “third world,” but you could look also to Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands for examples of what could have been done vs what was done here.
Obviously, I am not the quarterback, not even an official spotter in the press box. I would submit though that any quarterback or head coach worth his salt who has lost badly on Sunday, would immediately get to work on what went wrong and what has to be done to get ready for the next Sunday. They would not seek to blame everyone but themselves for the loss.
For the record, I share your dislike of Biden, the Clintons, and any number of other neoliberal Democrats. However, I believe that many Americans are “sick,” literally and figuratively, of a President who makes medical, pharmacological, and public health decisions based on his own instincts, rejecting the counsel of scientists, physicians, nurses, and public health workers. But hey, drink your Clorox and all will be well.
Terry Olson says
Great piece!