At the September 24 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman reviewed 2020 budget and levy numbers.
The county recorder and the auditor/treasurer had included in their budgets funding for one full-time position in each department. The final levy numbers did not include funding for either of these full-time positions. It did, however, include funds for a part-time position in the recorder’s office to do abstracting.
Commissioner Randy Dahl had asked Sheriff DeGeorge about a needs assessment for the jail. DeGeorge acknowledged we have to do something. “We know the shortcomings of the jail.” A RFP (request for proposals) was discussed for a needs study. Dahl said we need to have all the information in front of us to make a decision. It is a long term process and can’t wait. Dahl wanted funding in the 2020 budget for a study; the Facilities Committee feels it is time. It was suggested that funding for the study could come out of the Infrastructure Fund.
A 3.49% levy increase for 2020 was approved. The 2020 preliminary levy is $11,196,218, or $377,125 more than in 2019. These levy numbers equal $536.58 per capita. County Program Aid for 2020 will be $825,599.
The Truth in Taxation meeting will be held December 3.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Sarah Monroe, Victims Services, and Anne Detlefsen, Women’s Shelter, reviewed the activities planned during the month of October to increase awareness. A display remembering the 12 Minnesota victims of domestic violence will be set up in the courthouse for the month of October, “Remember My Name.” They ask people to wear purple to show you are taking a stand against Domestic Violence. There will be activities on October 10, 17, 22, and 29 to help us be more aware of domestic violence.
The board approved the activities and a proclamation recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Other business in brief
•Jessica Erickson, director of nursing, reported that the freezer used for the Minnesota Vaccine for Children Program for immunization storage needs a new compressor or needs to be replaced. It was most likely damaged by a power surge. She explained repair will cost nearly $2,000. A new freezer from Tempure Scientific will cost $2,475. The board approved the purchase of a new freezer; the county will pay a $1,000 deductible and the balance will be reimbursed by the insurance company. A surge protector will be used for the new freezer.
Battery backup for equipment was discussed. Terry Shultz, Building Maintenance supervisor, will be directed to look into options for battery backups.
Rushford’s recent action on Freedom to Breathe Act, the banning of vaping flavors and the requirement to be 21 to purchase was discussed. Erickson said she hoped other cities will follow their lead.
•A Foster Care Transportation Agreement with Fillmore Central Schools for 2019/2020 school year was approved. Kevin Olson, Social Services Manager, said this is the same agreement the county has with Kingsland Schools. The county will reimburse the district 50% of daily transportation cost.
•A final payment resolution for 2019 Rock Contract with Bruening Rock Products was approved ($13,999.61).
County Engineer Ron Gregg reviewed plans for the street reconstruction between the county office building and the sheriff’s office and also the lower level parking lot. Repairs will include fixing some water drainage issues in front of the office building. The engineer’s estimate for both areas is $141,287.50. A motion was approved to move forward with the repairs using infrastructure dollars. The work is planned for next year.
•Vickerman reviewed a long list of needed computer and server replacements for units with 2007 operating systems, which will not be supported as of the end of 2019. Approval was given for her to move forward with the replacements.
•Vickerman discussed bids for GIS. The board approved a proposal from Schneider Geospatial at a cost of $63,200. An additional annual cost of $25,000 will allow as many staff as necessary to have access. With this there will not be a need to pay for individual licenses.
•Approval was given to continue the contract with Cindy Blagsvedt to the end of November (until the county assessor position is filled).
•An access permit for a driveway off of County Road 11 was approved for Darin and Elizabeth Johnson, sections 17 and 18, Pilot Mound Township.
An access permit for a driveway off County Road 105 was approved for Jeff and Patty Brogle, section 22, Arendahl Township.
•Cafeteria plan benefits for 2020 were approved as recommended by the Benefits Committee. Commissioner Mitch Lentz voted no. He didn’t think the county should continue to absorb premium increases.
•The second reading of the Work Hours and Attendance policy was approved.
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