The Fillmore County Board at its August 7 meeting continued the process of reviewing 2019 budget proposals from individual departments.
Lisa Dierks, Southeast University of Minnesota Extension regional director, discussed an agreement between U of M Extension and Fillmore County. The agreement reflects a 2.2% increase for 2019 and a 2% increase for both 2020 and 2021. The county funding commitment is paid on a quarterly basis. The U of M is responsible for providing a half-time extension educator and the 4-H program coordinator. The county provides office space and office equipment. The contract was approved.
Michael Cruse, extension educator, during the extension budget discussion, explained the advantages of a summer helper that works through late spring and summer getting ready for the fair and through fair time. An intern specifically for 4-H programs is very important for associated activities. A third summer intern position could work under Cruse helping with field work, research plots, and soil sampling. All three temporary positions would cost a total of about $17,000.
Terry Schultz, building maintenance supervisor, said the courthouse Titus System Program is obsolete, starting to fail and needs to be replaced. A quote from Winona Heating and Ventilating, Inc. in the amount of $22,370 to replace the system was approved.
While discussing the 2019 Maintenance and Infrastructure budgets, Schultz noted some updates and repairs are needed. Two generators, pneumatic systems and fire alarm panels need to be either purchased or updated. Funding is in the budget.
Jeff Brand, county surveyor, said salary and benefit changes are the only increases in his budget. All proposed budgets reflect a 2.5% salary increase and an increase for health insurance based on 15%.
Other business in brief
• Ken Kiehne, Harmony, asked for any help he could get during the citizens input portion. He owns 10 acres that he would like to make available for a building site. He maintained he has been paying taxes on it as a rural residential property. Because of the quarter, quarter restriction the property can not have a dwelling built on it under the current ordinance. The land has never been tilled.
• A letter of support to Winona County for their proposal for a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency grant. The grant is for a feasibility study of a possible regional source separated organics (SSO) facility in southeast Minnesota. Will such a food waste and other organic input composting facility be economically feasible? The county’s support does not cost the county anything or obligate it to anything in the future.
• A resolution adopting the Toward Zero Death grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety was approved. The agreement is for the period from October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019. The funding in the amount of $13,971 is aimed toward reducing impaired and distracting driving and increasing the use of seat belts. There have been four fatalities so far this year.
• Jessica Erickson, director of nursing, discussed the Joint Board of Health Community Health Services administrative role. The administrative and financial role is normally passed after five years to the other joint board member. The commissioners made it clear it is their intent to take over both roles from Houston County after the transition period.
• Larry and Janice Johnson want to repurchase forfeited property in the city of Rushford. Approval was given for the buy back with payment in full of current and past due taxes.
• Final payments to Milestone Materials for 2018 Rock Contract were approved. The payments were for CSAH 6, Pilot Mound Township, CSAH 8, Fillmore Township, and CR 114, York and Beaver Townships.
• Sealed bids to lease in 2019 and 2020 the county farm (about 45 tillable acres) must be submitted by September 6.
• A request to retire from Gary Skaggs, dispatcher, after 17 years of service was approved with thanks, effective January 31, 2019.
• A request to hire replacement shop foreman effective no later than October 31 was approved. A request to advertise internally and externally for replacement head mechanic was approved.
• The Medical Examiner contract was renewed for four years. The county pays $3.01 per capita (population 20,834) in 2019. There will be a six cents per capita increase in each of the next three years.
• Approval was given to send out request for proposals for conference room upgrades in the courthouse and for courtroom equipment.
• Approval was given for the Fillmore County EDA to submit an application for a USDA Rural Housing Preservation grant. Funds would be used for weatherization improvements and other improvements of work force housing.
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