At the July 9 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, the Land Records Department established earlier this year was quashed. The board voted unanimously to change back from the Land Records Director position to the County Assessor position.
Human Resources Officer Kristina Kohn explained the department headed by a Land Records Director was not functioning as the board intended. Brian Hoff, who has been serving in the position, and the Personnel Committee were included in discussions about the department.
Chairman Duane Bakke said what hasn’t worked is the crossover between Land Records and Auditor/Treasurer offices. The employees under the assessor and auditor/treasurer will be the same as before. The appraisers and support person will continue to work under an assessor, the department head.
A request to retire from Ron Vikre, property appraiser, was accepted with thanks for his 13 years of service. His retirement is effective July 10.
County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman spoke up during the discussion about going back to an assessor. She said she just received an e-mail from Hoff, who is voluntarily requesting a demotion to appraiser to replace the retiring Vikre. Hoff then came forward and agreed to continue supervisory duties until the assessor position can be filled. He added he is willing to step back so the county does not have all new appraisers. Bakke said Hoff’s transition to appraiser will not occur until an assessor is hired.
Bakke stated we will end up with departments headed by an auditor/treasurer, assessor, recorder, and a zoning administrator as we had prior to the establishment of the Land Records department.
A motion was approved to amend the agenda to advertise for an assessor. Advertisement for an assessor posted both internally and externally until the post is filled was approved.
Other business in brief
• Changes to the Severance Pay policy were discussed. Kohn said she has not received any comments and the policy is mainly being updated. It will be brought back for a second reading at the next board meeting.
• Approval was given for David Drown & Associates to do a public health employee reclassification, as requested by Jessica Erickson, director of nursing.
• Jennifer Mann, program manager for DFO Community Corrections, asked the board to proclaim July 21-28 as Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision week. Community corrections is an essential part of the justice system and community correction professionals supervise adult and juvenile clients in the community. Community correction professionals are a true “Force for Positive Change” in their communities. Fillmore County correction professionals supervise 87 adult and 31 juvenile clients. The board authorized the board chair to sign the proclamation on the board’s behalf. Mann declared, “We have a great team in Fillmore County and we appreciate your support.”
• Approval was given for Olmsted County to serve as the financial host for CREST Initiative participating counties. The “Whatever it Takes” grant awarded by Minnesota Department of Human Services is in the amount of $210,000 for 2019-2020. The funding is used for “specialized case management for potential or existing clients of the Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center and Minnesota Security Hospital-St. Peter.
• A resolution was approved supporting the recommendation of Fillmore County Human Services to approve Medica, Ucare, and Blue Cross Blue Shield as Managed Care Organizations to provide managed care services in Fillmore County.
• Vickerman reviewed and discussed the 2018 Reserve Fund Balance report. The fund totals were as of December 31, 2018.
• Approval was given for Vickerman to attend the Minnesota Association of County Administrators.
• The closure of CR 33 from CR 8 to Highway 52 in Fountain for the 150th celebration on July 27 from 8 am to 11 pm was approved as requested by the Fountain city council.
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