County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman reviewed the 2018 Performance Measure results at the board’s June 25 meeting.
In 2010 the Minnesota legislature created the Council on Local Results and Innovation. Counties that participate in the comprehensive measurement program are exempt from levy limits for taxes. Fillmore County has adopted more than the required 10 performance measures. The county will get a reimbursement of 14 cents per capita for its participation in the program (about $2,700). The report is to be submitted to the office of the State Auditor by June 30.
The performance measures or goals are reviewed before the public at the Truth in Taxation hearing late in the year.
There were seven fatalities in Fillmore County in 2018 (five on state roads, one on a county road and one on a township road). There were three fatalities in the county in 2017.
The Pavement Quality Index rating was 73, slightly above the goal of 72.
Tobacco use among adults for 2018 was 14% in the county, which is equal to the national and better than the state benchmark.
Vickerman praised staff on the excellent job they have done on Child Support collections. The county collects $7.78 for every $1.00 spent on the child support program. The county is in first place in the state for cost effectiveness.
The county is slightly up from 2017 on the percentage of low birth weights, but better than the national and state averages.
Median ratios should fall between 90% and 105% for assessments. Commercial/Industrial classification is at 100%, up 4%. The Ag/Rural Vacant classification is 103%, up 7%. The Residential classification is at 91%, down 2%.
The 10 day turnaround time for document recording was met.
The goal of 100% post election results was met in 2018.
The federal and state dollars brought into the county for veterans increased 3.7%, under the goal of a 5% increase.
The goal to maintain 85% of veterans receiving services and/or benefits was exceeded; 93.2% of the county’s veterans received services and/or benefits.
The county again failed to reach the goal of 7,200 per 1,000 residents for annual library visits. In 2018, 5,473 residents per 1,000 were counted, which is down from 2017. The total visits in 2018 were 114,202, which is down about 6,000 from 2017.
The county exceeded its goal to keep the debt service levy under 11%; it was 2.5% for 2018, or $12.52 per capita.
The county did not reach its goal of 40% recycling of Municipal Solid Waste; the recycling rate for 2018 was 38-40%.
The board passed a resolution for participation in the 2020 Performance Measures program. A second resolution was approved which lists the 2020 Performance Measures.
Other business in brief
•An access permit was approved to widen an existing building site driveway to County Road 4 to accommodate large machinery for Dan and Kathy Byer, Section 25, Sumner Township.
Zoning Administrator Cristal Adkins described the plans submitted by K. Rodney Beer, Beer Farms, LLC. Beer does demolition of concrete. He wants to stockpile concrete removed from building sites. He expects to bring a crusher in every few weeks. The crushed material will be recycled; uses will include base material for driveways and subgrade material. Chairman Duane Bakke explained rules that apply to a quarry will apply here.
A public hearing had been held in May on the request for a conditional use permit for Concrete Recycling, Section 21, York Township. The Planning Commission recommended approval after a surveyed a boundary area is completed separating the concrete recycling area from the existing parcel. The survey of a 10 acre area has been done. A condition was also recommended that no blasting would be allowed.
The board approved the conditional use permit.
•Kristina Kohn, Human Resources, said there were no additional comments after the first reading of the Employment Policy. The policy was approved with its second reading. There were no additional comments after the first reading of new Announcements, Recruitment and Selection policy. This policy was approved with its second reading.
•Jason Marquardt was reappointed as Veterans Service officer for a 4-year term, effective September 30.
•Sydney Gilbert was hired as a replacement Public Health nurse effective June 28.
•An application for a fireworks display at Chatfield Western Days on August 11 was approved.
Board of Appeal and Equalization
This board was reconvened to make a decision on an appeal made by Jacqueline Garnatz, Spring Valley. An interior/exterior inspection of her home was done on June 19. A recommendation was made by the assessor to lower the valuation by $12,100 due to depreciation; the 1956 home had not been updated other than necessary maintenance. The assessor’s recommendation was approved.
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