At the July 7 Fillmore County Board meeting, Administrator Bobbie Hillery reported that Fillmore County received over $2.5 million in Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF). The federal funds totaling $841 million have been distributed by the state to counties, cities, and townships to cover expenses incurred due to the pandemic. This is a portion of the state’s allocation which was created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Hillery said they are determining what has been expended to this point. Everything goes to Finance Director Lori Affeldt. There have been a lot of purchases due to COVID. She said she will keep the board informed. Any funds not expended by the county by December 1 must be returned to Minnesota Management and Budget by December 10.
Hillery noted that Fillmore County now has 30 confirmed COVID cases, of which 26 have recovered.
Other business in brief
• Harter’s Trash and Recycling contract amendment was approved on a 4-1 vote. Commissioner Duane Bakke voted no. Drew Hatzenbihler, Sanitation, said the contract was reviewed by County Attorney Brett Corson and was already signed by Harter’s. The amendment provides for an 8% increase over three years for hauling fees (4% increase effective June 1, 2% increase effective January 1, 2021, and a 2% increase effective January 1, 2022. These increases are in addition to the annual adjustment per agreement based on the Consumer Price Index.
• Revisions to the Amish Sign Placement Policy were approved. Signs can be requested by Amish residences or the road authority, paid for by the requestor, and the road authority determines the sign location.
• County Engineer Ron Gregg reviewed the highway department’s practices related to Public Road Ditches in Minnesota Statute 160.201. He presented an article explaining why it is important to clean ditches. A resident on CR 8 was upset about the sediment being cleaned out of a ditch in the county road right of way without notifying him first. Gregg explained they normally don’t notify the property owner when they work within the county road right of way. He said the right of way area is not included on the adjoining property owner’s property taxes.
• The CSAH 34 surfacing reconditioning project outside the city of Mabel was awarded to Midwest Contracting with the bid of $901,972.05. This was the only bid. The engineer’s estimate was $995,970.07. The project is to begin in August.
• Final payments were made to Minnowa Construction, Inc. for a bridge replacement project on CR 104 in Pilot Mound Township and for a bridge replacement project on CR 101 in Jordan Township.
• Approval was given for the IES 911 maintenance quote for June 2020-2021 in the amount of $10,758.25 as requested by Sheriff John DeGeorge.
• An access permit for a second driveway was approved for Larry Broadwater, section 13, Carimona Township. An access permit was approved for Sheldon Kinneberg/Ron Gehling section 11, Preston Township. The driveway will be relocated to the east of the existing driveway, which will be removed.
• A conditional use permit was approved for MiEnergy Cooperative, for a telecommunications tower, section 12, Beaver Township, as recommended by the Planning Commission. A variance from the road was approved earlier by the Board of Adjustment.
• The resignation of Don Bray, courthouse security officer, effective July 10 was approved with thanks for his two years of service.
• Auditor/Treasurer Heidi Jones explained that there will be a high volume of absentee ballots and mail-in ballots in this year’s elections. She requested approval to hire temporary employee(s) for assistance with the primary and general elections. The cost of temporary staff will be reimbursable by the state. She requested that she be able to negotiate salary for temporary employee with experience. A motion was approved allowing a maximum of $20 per hour depending on experience and a total expense not to exceed $9,500. This is the amount that has been budgeted for temporary election workers.
• The 2019 Performance Measure Results were reviewed and approved for submission to the state. Most measures were met or exceeded. The Performance Measures are reviewed in the Truth in Taxation hearing. The county receives approximately $2,100 for participating. Hillery said only 26 counties and 36 cities participate in the state program. A resolution was approved for participation in the 2021 Performance Measures. A resolution was approved outlining the 13 goals for the 2021 Performance Measures.
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