Fillmore County commissioners, for several years, have worked toward centralized finance. At the July 23 meeting, the board unanimously voted to create a Finance Department, effective August 1 as recommended by the Personnel Committee.
Commissioner Randy Dahl, who has long supported centralized finance, noted that a Finance Department is the norm for most counties in the district.
County Coordinator Bobbie Vickerman explained they had questions about statutory duties and rights. A legal opinion was sought from attorney Ann Goering of Ratwik, Roszak and Maloney, P.A. Goering opined that the county board has the authority to create a Finance Department and the position of finance director. The board has the power to delegate duties to this position. However, the power to calculate or collect taxes and conduct elections will remain within the authority of the auditor/treasurer.
County attorney Brett Corson and Auditor/Treasurer Heidi Jones have both expressed concerns about the creation of a Finance Department. Corson in a letter, questioned whether statutory duties can be taken from an elected official without her consent. Kristina Kohn, Human Resources, said no statutory duties are being taken away from the A/T.
Assistant County attorney Marla Stanton said Corson preferred they delay the effective date since the finance director position has not been evaluated by David Drown and Associates.
Chairman Duane Bakke remarked that Corson has received all the information. We are not eliminating anybody (any employees) so there should not be any adverse personnel consequences. Bakke insisted the Land Records structure didn’t work out as planned because there wasn’t cooperation between department heads.
Vickerman explained that there will be a savings of nearly $90,000 with the Finance Department. There will be a finance director (currently working as an account tech lead) and another current account tech who will be transferred from the assessor’s office. Jones had asked for two new account techs (additional staff) which would cost the county $118,734. The promotion to finance director of an account tech lead and the lateral move of an existing account tech will cost $28,861.
Jones asked that more time be taken so we can better plan for a transition period. The board went ahead with a resolution to create and define the authority of the Finance Department. Implementation is to be completed by September 3. Vickerman will report on the progress at each board meeting.
Approval was given to submit Finance Director job description to David Drown and Associates for evaluation.
Approval was given for Lori Affeldt, accounting technician lead, to be promoted to the position of Finance Director effective August 1. Sarah Mensink, accounting technician, will be transferred from the assessor’s office to the Finance Department effective August 1. Affeldt and Mensink will be the only two staff in the Finance Department.
Jones will continue with her A/T duties at the same salary. The responsibilities of her department will include but are not limited to elections, tax calculations, receipt of property tax payments, deeds, licenses, land transfers and passports.
The responsibilities of the Finance Department will include all fiscal transactions (receipts, warrants, and payroll), all audit functions, assistance with budget preparation, debt management, grant accounting, and government financial reporting.
Other business in brief
•Citizens Input; Anne Marie Flynn, co-chair Fillmore County League of Women Voters of Minnesota, invited people to attend a candidate forum for the District 3 commissioner race at the Spring Valley Community Center on August 3 at 10:30 a.m. Written questions can be e-mailed to Commissioner candidates are Kevin Beck and Larry Hindt. The special general election will be on August 13.
•The Severance Pay policy was approved at its second reading.
•Amy Hershberger was hired as a replacement child support officer effective August 16.
•Kristina Oman was hired as a replacement office support specialist, sr., effective August 13.
•Vicky Topness, office support specialist, was reclassified to office support specialist, sr., as recommended by David Drown and Associates.
•A three year agreement was approved with owners Ordell and Lyle Thompson of the Thompson Pit. County engineer Ron Gregg said we have been getting winter sand from there for several years. Their equipment is worn out, so they don’t want to do screening any more. The county will rent equipment for about a month to screen a three year supply. The county is still leasing the pit and buying the sand.
•Three bids were submitted for a bridge replacement project north of Ostrander on CSAH 1. A bid from Minnowa Construction, Inc. in the amount of $653,773.50 was approved as recommended by Gregg. Work will begin August 12.
• An access permit was approved for a new field drive for Philip and Ruth Abrahamson, section 29, Holt Township. The access is to CSAH 21 and will provide safer access between their farms.
•An access permit for a new drive was approved for Beverly O’Byrne, section 33, Jordan Township. The drive will provide access to her property off CSAH 5.
•Zoning Administrator Cristal Adkins reported the finalized FEMA floodplain maps have been received. No regulations in the county’s current ordinance will be changed. Maps will be reviewed at this week’s Planning Commission. A public hearing on the Floodplain Ordinance and FEMA maps will be held at the August 6 county board meeting. The updated maps will be effective August 15 pending approval of an updated Floodplain Ordinance.
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