County coordinator Bobbie Vickerman called to order the first 2019 meeting of the county commissioners on January 8. Duane Bakke was elected chairman and Marc Prestby was elected vice-chairman.
Judge Matt Opat administered the oath of office to reelected commissioners Bakke and Randy Dahl and county attorney Brett Corson. Many of the same people continue in the same positions, but not all. We have a new sheriff, John DeGeorge; a new auditor/treasurer, Heidi Jones; and a returning county recorder, David Kiehne.
Chairman Bakke made a few comments, thanking the 31 individuals that moved on or retired in 2018 including former county assessor Cindy Blagsvedt and former Sheriff Tom Kaase. He recognized that there are 13 new employees, some in new positions, including Auditor/Treasurer Jones and Sheriff DeGeorge.
Bakke looks forward to the hire of a land services director and the organization of that department and related departments. He also said his goal is to continue to encourage involvement with our legislators.
Elected official salaries were approved for 2019: Commissioners at $23,115 (a 2% increase), Attorney Corson at $113,000, Sheriff DeGeorge at $97,500 (also a $6,000 stipend for Emergency Management), Auditor/Treasurer Jones at $77,500, and Recorder Kiehne at $71,600.
DeGeorge asked for and received approval of the 2019 Chief Deputy contract. This is essentially the same contract used for the last two chief deputies. DeGeorge explained the chief deputy is responsible for the day to day operations of the Sheriff’s Office. His choice for chief deputy is Lance Boyum. DeGeorge said Boyum “exceeds expectations put upon him.” DeGeorge requested the chief deputy’s salary be set at $83,237, which is a little over 91% of last year’s regional average salary for chief deputy. The salary request was approved. Also, Phil Whitacre was present and recognized. He has accepted the appointment to the position of captain.
DeGeorge and the Personnel Committee recommended a change of the emergency manager/ assistant jail administrator position to Emergency Manager/deputy sheriff. The assistant jail administrator duties can be split up with existing staff. The EM/deputy sheriff can fill in some as a deputy sheriff. The union supports the change. The position change was approved. DeGeorge also reported they are going to shorter shifts and more scheduled days working.
The board approved the request from DeGeorge to remove two spots under intermittent deputies (from nine to seven) and add two spots to intermittent transport/bailiff (from two to four).
Late fee increase for permits
Zoning administrator Cristal Adkins suggested several changes to the fee schedule. The late fee charged when a project is started before obtaining a permit is currently $250. The board raised it to $500. Adkins maintained if it is not enough to deter people from starting a project before obtaining a permit, she will be back to raise it more. There was some discussion about raising it to $2,500 for a more effective deterrent.
The current fee to install a greywater system is $100, a standard system is $200, and a mound system is $300. Adkins requested the permit fee for all sub-surface treatment systems (SSTS) be raised across the board to $350. The fee change was approved as requested.
The permit fee for a homeowner installation of a SSTS will be raised to $700. Adkins suggested the Planning Commission look into a prohibition of homeowner installations. Homeowners can install their own system now, but are required to use a licensed design and it is subject to inspection. The board directed the Planning Commission to look into the possible prohibition of homeowner installations.
Proposed updates to the SSTS Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission were approved. One update will remove the loophole to get around an SSTS inspection. Sales through contract for deed will either require an inspection at the beginning or at the end of the contract before the land transfer is completed.
Other business in brief
• Numerous annual payments and dues were approved. The first quarter invoice in the amount of $109,821.50 to Olmsted County Community Services for DFO Community Corrections was approved.
• The CEDA contract for 2019 was approved. The total for staffing services for the year will cost the county $39,302.
• A Detour Agreement with MnDot to use CSAH 8 from Highway 52 to Highway 250 in Lanesboro was approved. The detour will be used during a concrete pavement rehab from Fountain to Highway 16 east of Preston. The estimated payment for wear and maintenance of CSAH 8 is about $4,600.
• The board approved the advertisement for the Lanesboro Fish Hatchery entrance project (funded by the DNR) and a bridge replacement on CSAH 12 (using some federal funding to replace the current bridge with culverts).
• Approval was given to use the Fillmore County website as an alternative means to disseminate solicitations for bids. This will be not be the only method to advertise for bids.
• Troy Soiney was hired as a replacement Maintenance Specialist effective January 9.
Katelyn Melver was hired as a replacement full-time dispatcher effective January 24.
• The resignation of Emily Root, PHN, after 6.5 years with the county, was approved effective January 22.
The resignation of Sara Peterson, RN, after 3.5 years with the county, was approved effective January 22.
• The request to advertise for two replacement nursing positions (one full-time, one half time) was approved.
• The phone stipend list for 2019 was approved. The total cost of all cell phone stipends in 2019 will be $17,160.
• A resolution was adopted dedicating 30% of the balance of tax forfeited land sales to the maintenance of county parks. Dahl suggested using some of the funds to provide a toilet facility similar to what is at a boat landing at each of the two county parks. This will be discussed at the Facilities Committee.
• The per diem rate was set at $45, the same as last year. The mileage reimbursement rate will be at the IRS rate, currently 58 cents per mile.
• Authorization was given for overnight stays for annual professional association of Minnesota conferences for elected officials, department heads and division leaders.
Photo by Karen Reisner
Photo by Karen Reisner
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