At the March 13 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, County Engineer Ron Gregg presented the county’s five-year highway construction improvement plan (2017-2021). The five-year capital improvement plan had been discussed in the Highway committee.
Gregg noted changes may occur, as the plan is subject to funding and priority. Chairman Mitch Lentz commented that needed projects have been discussed that are not included in the plan due to lack of funding.
The major project in 2018 will be the concrete surfacing of CSAH 1 north of Spring Valley to Highway 30. Several bridges are to be replaced, including the Old Barn bridge in Carrolton Township. Federal dollars ($135,000) will allow for a wet reflective edgeline project.
Local option sales tax (LOST) funding in 2018 will pay for three culvert replacement projects, 13.5 miles of chipsealing, and the surface reconditioning project with Winona County on CR 104.
Wheelage tax projects for 2018 include 18.5 miles of chipsealing. The State Park road account will pay for improvements to the Lanesboro Fish Hatchery Road. Local road improvement projects for 2018 include Goodview Rd. into Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center and Heron Rd.
The five-year plan was approved.
An Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan was adopted. The plan needs to be in place because it will be tied to federal dollars the county will receive in future years. The plan details the current pedestrian structure within the county and a process by which the network will be brought into compliance with standards set in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Bakke noted there is no federal deadline when all sidewalks, municipal intersections, curb ramps, trails, and traffic control signals have to be in compliance. Gregg commented that upgrades needed for compliance will be made when areas are reconstructed. The plan includes a grievance procedure.
Other business in brief
• The request to retire, through the Early Retirement Incentive Program, from Office Support Specialist Sr. LuAnn Hoff was accepted with thanks for her 44 years of service. Her retirement is effective May 31. Hoff has worked with two court administrators and three sheriffs during her tenure with the county.
• Sheriff Tom Kaase said small modifications need to be made to the jail shower facilities. Shamiah’s Welding provided a bid for work and materials at a total cost of $1,825. The proposal was approved.
During the portion of the meeting where commissioners review the warrants Kaase was questioned on his acceptance of a stipend ($80) for driving a veteran to an appointment. Commissioner Marc Prestby maintained as sheriff he is already getting a salary.
Kaase explained that he has let Veterans Officer Jason Marquardt know that he would make himself available in an emergency situation where no driver was available to transport a veteran to an appointment. Marquardt approached Kaase a couple of weeks ago telling him compensation was budgeted. Kaase said he received the check yesterday and will sign it over to the Spring Valley VFW. Prestby was OK with that, but didn’t want Kaase to accept compensation in the future. Kaase agreed that in the future he will make sure a voucher is not sent.
• Alison Tufte was hired as replacement Merit Office Support Specialist, Sr. (Social Services) effective March 30 as recommended by Hiring committee.
• First reading of draft changes of the Distracted Driving policy was presented and will be brought back for a second reading. Commissioner Duane Bakke asked about the use of devices while driving, noting he has observed their use by county employees. Kohn noted there are state statute exemptions for highway maintenance workers and sheriff department officers. However, employees are discouraged from using hand held cell phones while driving. The policy encourages the use of a hands-free device while talking on a cell phone.
• First reading of draft changes of the Outside Employment policy was presented and will be brought back for a second reading.
• Out-of-state travel for Traffic Sign Technician, Jeff Dyerson, to attend the Sign Conference in Fargo, N. Dak., March 19-21 was approved.
• A variance to the Out of State training policy was requested by County Engineer Gregg. Approval has already been received for Gregg to attend the out-of-state conference to be held at Wisconsin Dells. The variance was granted for the conference which will require lodging for five nights, costing $579. Gregg noted he will drive a county vehicle to the conference. The current policy allows up to $500 to be spent on travel and lodging for out-of-state conferences. Prestby suggested the policy should be revisited as it may be outdated. Bakke questioned whether lodging during the conference was intended to by part of the spending limit. Another purpose of the policy is to notify the board when someone plans to attend an out-of-state conference.
• During committee reports, fines imposed by Winneshiek County for cardboard contamination were again discussed. Prestby read an e-mail from County Attorney Brett Corson who attended a meeting along with other county officials and Winneshiek County officials. Corson said they were unsuccessful in getting the penalty reduced. Winneshiek County was not sympathetic with the need to educate local haulers on the cardboard issue. Corson suggested the county will have to pay the full penalty and weigh its options in the future.
Prestby said they will have to discuss the cardboard issue and Winneshiek County’s response at the Solid Waste committee. Commissioner Randy Dahl asked that the committee educate local haulers. Bakke suggested that dumping of loads by local haulers be observed and logged. He added we have to explore other options.
• A closed portion of the board meeting pertained to preliminary consideration of allegations against an employee.
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