In the Monday, November 14, 2016 issue of the Fillmore County Journal, in the article titled “It’s over… the election, that is”, Tiffany Ramaker Mundrom, Jackie Horsman, and Leah Stier were recognized as the winners of the three available seats up for election for the Kingsland School District during the Tuesday, November 8, 2016 election. We apologize for the error, but the winners were Tiffany Ramaker Mundrom, Jackie Horsman, and Heather Betts. Below were the results according to
Name # Votes % Votes
Tiffany Ramaker Mundfrom 1430 22.10%
Heather Betts 1416 21.88%
Jackie Horsman 1332 20.58%
Leah Stier 1203 18.59%
Merlin Meyer 1044 16.13%
Write-in 47 0.73%
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