By Nathan Rider
Chatfield, MN
There is a distinction between subjective and objective. A light-bulb may appear to a person yellow, and to another as blue, not necessarily due to the objective truth of the color of the bulb, but as perceived, received and processed by each viewer. Women see thousands of more colors than men. But to jump from that to saying that the statements, “God exists” and that “God does not exist,” and both statements are true, is a logical fallacy that violates the principle of non-contradiction. “Truth,” as the Aristotelian philosopher and great theologian St. Thomas Aquinas taught, “is the agreement or conformity of reality and the mind’s judgment on reality.” The problem with the positivist empiricism that seems to undergird your relativistic epistemology is that it shows your position doesn’t start with truth, but narrative. The ideologue believes narrative to be the truth, and therefore will discount all facts that are contrary to it. So when a positivist speaks of facts, they avoid mentioning all inconvenient facts. Case in point. Ukraine has killed 15,000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass since the CIA/NATO Maidan coup in 2014, which was just one in a series of 50 other such U.S. led coups against popularly-elected governments since the close of the Second World War. Ukraine shelled the Donbass region daily for eight years. Russia warned the West repeatedly that expanding NATO will lead to war, and that NATO broke its promises in five rounds of expansion upon Russia’s borders. Imagine if Russia staged a coup in Mexico, put bioweapons labs and missiles on our border, and financed and trained proxy warriors all-the-while persecuting any Americans living within their borders? How would the U.S. respond? There are so many fake stories coming out of Western media, the same media that pushed the false WMD narrative during the US invasion of Iraq. Every atrocity gets exposed immediately for the lie that it is. For example, the Mariupol maternity ward was attacked by the Azov Battalion months prior to the Russian operation, where the AB forced the mothers out and set up their missile batteries. The recent Bucha fiasco, where fourdays passed before any reports of mass-graves or pictures of slain citizens in the streets surfaced. It turned out, those civilians were wearing white armbands (showing cooperation with Russians) and many held Russian humanitarian aid packages. Ukrainian forces proceeded to slaughter Russian sympathizers or those who took aid. The Western Mockingbird Media has gotten so fake, that the very outlets who a few years ago reported on the openly nazi battalions of Ukraine are now downplaying their extremism, even the severely discredited ADL is covering up for them, to the public dismay of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. I guess when a group is so used to calling everyone who disagrees with them a “nazi,” they can’t recognize a real one when he is shown giving a Sieg Heil, flying a Wolf Rune with a Nazi-Occult Sun, sporting an SS Death Skull badge on their uniform. Ridiculous. Do we really trust an administration who just gave the anti-Western Taliban (created as proxy warriors by the CIA to fight the USSR) 40 billion dollars of state-of-the-art weaponry? Now this administration is pouring more weapons into their proxy wars, weapons that are disappearing as the Islamic State has just released instructions for jihadis to use this situation to wage war on the West. The American Military-Industrial Complex, in lockstep with the Uniparty, with its neo-liberal (Democrat) and neo-con (Republican) imperialist wings, and it’s NATO apparatus want to maintain the U.S.’s hegemonic unipolarity. It’s too late. Ask yourself, How is it that two parties who play at being at such odds with one another, all-of-a-sudden are lock-step war hawks against a nuclear power, both parties taking action to escalate this conflict, rather than de-escalate? Where are the adults in the room? Now we are all being mocked by the oligarchs, having an impaired, bumbling fool for a President who is so compromised in Ukraine through and with his son Hunter, that we are the ones being laughed at. Even the Easter Bunny has more command of Joe than Joe does. The world is watching…
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