The full version of these minutes can be found on the City of Rushford
website at or will be provided if requested via email or hard copy by contacting
Members Present: Mayor Benson Council members O’Donnell, Linder, Ryman. Volkman. Staff Present: Admin Chladek, Clerk/Treas. Zacher
Notices and Consent Agenda: verified claims and fund summary report, Jessie St. Java agreement regarding interest on note; notice for city election timeline and absentee voting times. Resolution approving Res Rehab Loan for Karen Eich.
Elizabeth Wefel, Coalition Greater Mn Cities report on legislative session results.
Approval of tentative labor contract agreement as negotiated with AFSCME and IBEW and City personnel team for three-year term.
Amend pledge to Semcac for Commercial Rehab Loan, EDA provided recommendation, Semcac asked for lower interest rate.
Resolution setting max levy at $1,138,631 which is 5.2% over last year and setting public comment date for 12/11/23 for taxes to be collected in 2024. Reviewed several spread sheets of costs, revenues among all funds.
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