The full version of these minutes can be found on the City of Rushford website at or will be provided if requested via email or
hard copy by contacting
Members Present: Mayor Benson Council members O’Donnell, Ryman, Volkman, Absent: Linder
Staff Present: Clerk/Treas. Zacher, Admin Chladek; Kenna Gudmundson attended as part of the R-P Community Service Class.
Notices and Consent Agenda: RPVCC Annual meeting 3/6/25 at Legion at 4 p.m. SEMLM Legislative Policies for 2025 Session – policy meeting in Kasson. Approval of claims paid, PWD overtime report, financial statement, Police Rev/Exp, Utility Fund Recap.
Adopt Resolution approving Consumption and Display permit for Jeff & Carrie Bruder for “The Mill on Rush Creek, LL”. Adopt Resolution acknowledging donation totaling $5,142.49 from Moonyeen (Holly) Holle, as directed prior to her passing to the Rushford Public Library. Adopt Resolution approving Exemption from Lawful Gambling License for Hardwood Country Sportsmen’s Club for fund raising at Nordic Lane in April.
Discuss sale of 1300 Himlie Drive. Buyer has withdrawn their offer, cancelation form signed and earnest money returned to the City. A new offer was received from Ann & Lukas Rasmussen, identical to original. Discussion held on location of Northern Natural Gas line, as they indicated a minimum of 45’ setback from center of the pipeline. Accepted offer from Rasmussen’s as detailed in purchase agreement for $60,000.00.
Updates: airport tree work being done keep clear zone open; all 5 of new hangars rented; Buff Country Christian Community filed their paperwork for exempt status on old school project; city finalist for grant funding to give guidance if Farmer’s WIN site becomes event space; update on that site feasibility studies and economic impact studies still in the works; legislators being asked to support small cities funding for street, increased LGA and EMS funding.
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