The full version of these minutes can be found on the City of Rushford website at or will be provided if requested via email or
hard copy by contacting
Members Present: Mayor Benson Council members O’Donnell, Ryman, Volkman, Linder
Staff Present: Clerk/Treas. Zacher, Administrator Chladek
Consent agenda: approve verified claims paid, monthly reports, reviewing lodging tax through 3rd qtr, review Franchise/PEG fees to date, review August music event financials, review Housing Rehab Loans.
Annual review Snow Policy with new language; also sending reminders to new residents on specific streets or problem alleyways.
Annual review Conduit Debt Policy; Approval Proclamation declaring October as Manufacturing Mont; Approve Proclamation thanking Fire Dept. For coordinating Trouble Shooter event in September; Approval of Go Green team promoting Magelssen Bluff trails, trees and plants.
Approve Resolutions on committing Capital Improvement Fund Balance; Resolution Committing Specific Revenue Sources in Special Revenue Funds.
Resoltion acknowledging $600 donation from Ace Casual Day funds $300. Matched $300 by Acentek.
Resolution approving Exemption from Lawful Gambling for Fire Dept. for raffle activity on 2/8/25 at Nordic Lanes.
Airport issues: CIP plan approved; new lease language approved, south storage unit available to rent for $75.00 by hangar tenants. Three of 5 units rented in new hangar. Filled one empty hangar in old building.
Updates: final asphalt improvements completed; campground closing 10/31/24; two new cell phones for ambulance to connect with hospitals for patient care; sealant going on brick work downtown; Feller requested new tree be removed from her commercial bldg – moved to Hwy 43; no all clean-up this year, will do in the spring; recap of Farmers Win survey results; feasibility studies to be done, then more public review before design process.
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