The full version of these minutes can be found on the City of Rushford website at or will be provided if requested via email or
hard copy by contacting
Members Present: Mayor Benson Council members O’Donnell, Ryman, Volkman, Linder
Staff Present: Clerk/Treas. Zacher, Administrator Chladek
Notices and Consent Agenda: RAHS progress report on Depot, RPVCC November activity report; approve verified claims paid, monthly reports, annual AWAIR program, Zoning Board approved Thompson variance.
Resolution acknowledging $15,000.00 donation from Rushford Fire Relief to Rushford Fire Dept. for portable radios, thermal imaging cameras and skid unit for ’19 Ranger.
Resolution acknowledging $2,500 grant from Taylor Family Farms Foundation for digital stethoscopes for 12 EMTs and 2 rigs, matching funds from other donations.
Updates: Regional Safety Group to be renewed at 5% increase; LMCIT still pays 55% of costs; ISO annual testing on water hydrants conducted by PWD; GIS Website paperwork in place, fee lower than anticipated; PWD installed new blocks in cutout downtown, installed new doors at shop building, installed new crane/winch in sludge holding tank. MDOT may be contracting for Hwy 30 house removal now. Dylan Ferguson appointed as Director of new Office of Emergency Medical Service; was past director of EMSRB Board. J. Busse started class to become EMR/EMT instructor
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