Members Present: Mayor Benson, Council members O’Donnell, Ryman, Volkman, Linder
Staff Present: Clerk/Treas. Zacher, Administrator Chladek
Notices and Consent Agenda: verified claims/fund summary report, monthly report on overtime, financial statement, police rev/exp, police activity, utility fund recap. Renewal of DNR Grant in Aid Agreement, appointment of Jessica Palmer to serve three-year library board term. Thanks to Sonja Cook for serving 3 three-year board terms.
Truth in Taxation meeting reviewing proposed budget and proposed property tax levy for taxes payable year 2025. Review of charts of comparisons to other communities, history of Rushford levy. Taxable market value increased which people called about. Resolution adopted for Final Property Tax Levy $1,180,232.00 (same as proposed in September) which is a 3.65% increase over last year’s levy.
Extended realty listing with Darr Realty for marketing of last lot in Himlie Business Park. Discussed constraints on that R-3 lot for building space (gas line easement, NSA area, bluff protection area and discussed amending sale price of lot.
Chief Eide discussed proposal from Axon for purchase of Body Worn Cameras, Taser Equipment, Fleet Equipment – all linked together, data stored in the cloud, linked to attorney. Purchase approved with downpayment and remainder in three years. Will have public notification, policies and procedures in place prior to implementation.
Approve Gambling Permit for Wild Turkey Federation fund raiser on 2/22/25 at Nordic Lanes. Approve 2025 On Sale & Sunday Liquor Licenses, 3.2 Off Sale, Off Sale Liquor and Tobacco Licenses pending property forms, fees, state forms, insurance being submitted to Clerk’s Office.
Approved N. Metz probationary period ended, award step increase.
Administrator authorized to get quotes from codification providers, review services and report to Council.
Updates: Web page being updated; residents sending in lead/copper worksheets; Amb Director attending workshop for EMS supervisors; new ambulance rig being outfitted, extra costs for power cots, mechanisms, etc.; Regional Safety training ongoing, some groups of communities being rearranged; replaced timing mechanism on easter star; annual electrical distribution inspection being conducted; Fire Dept. raffle fund-raising activity in February; winter tree removal will start soon if weather cooperates.
Publish 30
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