The full version of these minutes can be found on the City of Rushford website at or will be provided if requested via email or hard copy by contacting
Members Present: Mayor Benson Council members O’Donnell, Linder, Ryman, Volkman Staff Present: Admin Chladek, Clerk/Treas. Zacher
Notices and Consent Agenda: verified claims and fund summary report, letter from Ehlers regarding trail extension, review memo on LMCIT dividend and recap of claims history, renew engagement letter with Smith, Schafer & Assoc. for annual audit services, notice of advertisement for airport crop land bid, delay administrator evaluation till next meeting.
Review EDA/RLF request from Brilliance Business Solutions for purchase of Norsland Lefse & Norsland bakery & Café. Review details, set public hearing for business subsidy 1/22/24.
Adopt resolution acknowledging donation from Rushford Fire Relief to Rushford Fire Dept. of equipment; adopt resolution acknowledging donation from Rushford Lions to ambulance and fire department; adopt resolution on exemption from lawful gambling for Rush Creek Longbeards event 2/24/24 at Nordic lanes.
Approve non-union full-time employees for terms, cafeteria and general wage increases same rate as bargaining unit employees for 2024.
Updates: foundation work on airport continues; new EMT candidates, policy in place for City to pay fee and candidate to provide service; replacement of ambulance on-board computers in the works; Susan Hart Memorial Gazebo progress continues; public safety aid received this week $81,394 to be split between police, fire, ambulance.
Publish 15
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