Turning garbage into something beautiful
Many people do not compost because they believe there is a bad smell that accompanies the composting process. There really isn’t if it is done correctly. Compost cannot be made in a matter of a few weeks. The bacteria, the green material, the brown material, water, air and time are all necessary. Then, if you like, you can add a dozen more things to make your compost even better, and the best part of that is that most of the stuff that can be part of the composting process is quite inexpensive or found in the environment near your home.
You should start out with a plastic garbage can, cut the bottom out of it, turn it up side down, and cut a dozen or two holes in the sides for air movement, which is very important. The bacteria that breaks the material down needs air and moisture to work correctly. It is also important to turn the contents often to insure air is available to the entire mixture.
So, what goes into this container? Here is a list of a few items that compost well. Less than one-third should be items such as grass, plant trimmings, small twigs, veggie scraps, and fruit wastes. The remaining two-thirds or more may consist of straw, hay, coffee grounds, coffee filters, tea bags, egg shells, corn cobs, sawdust, and aged manure from horses, cattle, and sheep. It is important to layer the material so it doesn’t end up in a smelly rotten glob of rotting material, not decomposing material…. there is a difference.
Dog and cat droppings have some very nasty stuff in them that you don’t want in your vegetable garden or flowers. These items should find their way into the landfill.
Do not use meat scraps, bones, grease, oils, whole eggs, dairy products, plants treated with herbicides, and leaves from walnut trees.
I hope I have sparked your interest in this interesting hobby. It is like turning garbage into something beautiful.
If you want to try composting, there is a vast amount of information via your computer. If you would like to speak with me about composting, contact the Extension Office and I will get back to you…. or you can e-mail me at lcpaulson_7@hotmail.com.
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