To the Editor,
Coming together, blaming others? As a Preston resident, I have noticed several things that the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked in our small community. I have noticed more people walking around town than ever before, utilizing the wonderful bike trail. Talking more with my neighbors, at a distance, and for longer periods of time has been a joy. Kids are outside walking or riding bikes with parents, playing basketball or drawing with chalk. These are wonderful moments to see when everything else feels strange and a bit scary. There are some real issues that our rural community faces as well, farms that were already struggling are hit with another obstacle. People who have lost jobs are facing hard choices of paying rent or buying food. Questions about healthcare coverage amidst a pandemic is creating even more stress in a stressful time. We are facing hard times, and unfortunately, I hear blame being pointed at Asian-Americans. This is not the fault of regular people. If anything, this is a time to recognize how closely tied we are to one another across the globe, and if someone is hurt or sick, it can affect us all. If we care for one another, we care for ourselves. Take care, all.
Shona Snater
Preston, Minn.
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