By David Webb, MD
Lanesboro, MN
“Come now, and let us reason together” – the prophet Isaiah from the Talmud (Old Testament) Mercifully, the contentious 2020 elections are over, but whether you’re breathing a sigh of relief or a sigh of dismay, it should be a short sigh. There are many problems, including some existential threats, which still confront all of us and with which, one way or another, all of us shall have to contend.
Time for some soul searching. Shall we double down on divisive ideologies, or shall we decide that working together is more productive than working against each other? This is a time of opportunity for Republicans of good conscience to repudiate the tribalism, racism, and vigilantism that have hijacked their party in recent years and to recommit their Grand Old Party to what David Brooks has called conservatives’ “sacred space” populated by institutions such as family, religion, inclusive community, local culture, the arts, schools, literature, and manners that govern everyday life. “Compassionate conservatism” need not be an oxymoron. In a similar vein, it is an opportune time for Democrats of good conscience to reject the neoliberal corporatism that has dominated their party in recent years and to recommit the Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party to its traditional base of “small d” democrats, family farmers, workers, people of color, and the poor. At the very least, we might let go of all the name-calling. “Redneck” vs. “snowflake”? “Wing-nut” vs. “libtard”? What does that accomplish? Certainly not problem-solving. We might refrain from labelling anyone with whom we disagree, “radical.” Most Americans are not. Democrats might refrain from labelling anyone “to the right of” FDR, “Nazi” or “fascist.” Most are not. Certainly, most do not seek violent overthrow of our government. Not all believe that anyone who does not look or think like themselves should be excluded from the democratic process. Republicans might refrain from labelling anyone “to the left of” Joe McCarthy, “Marxist.” Most are not. Advocating for clean air and water and for equal justice under the law is not “socialism.” Medicare and Social Security are not communist ploys.
And, if we can get past the name-calling, perhaps we might even try listening to each other. We should not permit ourselves, or propagandists such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, or satirists such as Bill Maher to put words in the mouths of those “on the other side.” The other side are quite capable of speaking for themselves. We should let them and hear them out.
As St. Francis prayed, “Grant that I may not so much seek to be understood as to understand.” Well, I am not pollyannaish. I don’t know that we can actually, as Isaiah implored, come and reason together or even that many people want to do so. But I believe that not much good will come of it if we don’t try.
Russell Jackson says
I am tired of the Dems/DFL calling me a Nazi, racist, deplorable, etc. over the last 4 years. Your party has no tolerance. Maybe that is why a staff member of Biden’s called Republicans a bunch of F**kers. Now they want us to just act like nothing happened. I do not think so. Oh, the next time you get paid, you give me your paycheck since I know how to spend it more wisely than you do. That is what the Dems want. “Redistribution” of income/wealth. They also wanted to distribute the new vaccine based on race. The rational was that most of the elderly people are white and this will “Level” the playing field. It is sickening.