I have always loved our country. It is painful to see how far we have fallen. Politicians have always hid certain information and occasionally lied, but never has the swamp been this deep and foul.
Nearly everyone from the Trump campaign is a criminal. He “partied” with a convicted pedophile. He brags about sexual assault and mocks disabled people. His fake charity used donations as a personal slush fund. He created a bogus college to cheat students. He fires people for obeying Congressional subpoenas or fulfilling mandatory congressional reporting.
Our president is a narcissistic sociopath with borderline personality disorder. That is not my opinion, it’s the diagnosis of multiple mental health professionals. If you doubt this diagnosis, look up the profile of these disorders. He only cares about himself and sees the American people as his mark.
The president claims he can do whatever he wants and cannot even be investigated. The Senate Republicans failed their oversight obligation and are complicit in destroying constitutional checks and balances. Barr’s Justice Department has been hijacked to punish rivals and protect allies.
Seventeen intelligence agencies concluded Russia interfered in 2016 in favor of Trump. The Mueller investigation validated this. Mueller warned this would happen again in 2020. The intelligence agencies verify it is happening again. He was impeached seeking foreign interference in the 2020 election. What was Trump’s response? He claims it’s a Democratic hoax. This from the man averaging 14.6 documented lies per day. Still, McConnell refuses a Senate vote on bipartisan bills passed in the house to protect our elections. Why?
How do we cleanse ourselves of this divisive bully? We can take control of the narrative. Trump’s one strength is his ability to control the media. He is driving us toward the ditch. We need to grab the steering wheel. Trump succeeds through attacking everyone/everything. Put him on defense by exposing the facts. Do that with factual ads:
Interview his sexual assault victims while showing the lewd video of him bragging about it.
Show contractors (builders, plumbers) he stiffed while working on his properties.
Interview students bilked by Trump University.
Let contributors to Trump’s charity tell how they were deceived.
Show clips of him mocking women’s appearances and a disabled reporter.
Show some of the campaign promises he broke – Mexico will pay for the wall, he tried to steal the money from the military. He would bring back manufacturing, there has been a net loss of manufacturing jobs. Tax breaks for the working class that went almost exclusively to corporations and wealthy elites. Improved healthcare for all that took it away from millions. He said he wouldn’t golf like Obama but spent one-third of his Presidency at his country clubs taking in hundreds of millions of tax dollars renting rooms to his entourage at top rates.
Interview undocumented immigrants hired at Trump properties while he puts immigrant children in cages.
Show his friends currently in prison or driven out of government in disgrace for following his directives.
He said he would show his tax returns but broke the law to keep them secret. Why?
Show clips of anti-science, anti-media statements.
He squandered over 400 million dollars of inheritance only to declare multiple bankruptcies. He claims to be a great business man but would have been ahead putting the money in the bank and doing nothing.
Show his son admitting they were financially bailed out by Russian oligarchs and Trump admitting taking money from Saudi Arabia.
Interview allies saying they can no longer trust America’s word after we backed out of treaty obligations for no valid reason.
Show the party of “fiscal responsibility” exploding the budget deficit.
On election day we face a binary choice. The Democratic nominee vs four more years of even more lawless behavior, Trump has realized nobody can/will rein him in. You know this is wrong and will end badly.
Gatekeeper says
Bryan you might want to open your bible and read PROVERBS 6:16-19.
Kim Wentworth says
Silliness is the first word that comes to mind when I see an article from you, and you never let me down. The B.S. investigation for the last 3 YEARS based on lies unearthed Trump crimanals yeah, ok, You ever hear of separation if powers? That shoots your congressional subpoena right in the hitlery. You better do a little fact checking on those other mentions. A word to the wise, don’t use “snoopes”.
POTUS loves his country and wants all to succeed. How is that wrong. To be a winner you need a dose of good ole narcissism.
You taking words out of context, twisting them to your liking, reveals your “smallness”. Quoting bobby mueller in ANY context? Wow. Do you think poor bobby even knew what was in his own report, what a joke. No crime, a perfect call and you leftist whacks come up with colonel Vinny, a tin star empty suite who was mad that POTUS didn’t follow the talking points.. Lil Vinny should have been shot on sight aftrtwards.
Your list of your “factual” ads is laughable to the point POTUS would have you in jail.
POTUS may not be perfect but he is what’s needed. Now I am going to ask a favor. Plz Google ” 1984 electoral map”. This year there will be at least one change, MN will be red!!!!!!!!