The cost of construction of the baseball dugout in Chatfield has run over the estimate by about $10,000 due to delays because of COVID and significant increases in raw material costs this year. At the city council’s May 10 meeting the council approved additional funding up to $10,000 for the project.
Councilor Josh Broadwater was absent.
The total cost of the project is expected to be $37,581 even after many donations of either material and/or labor. Councilor John McBroom said it is not their fault that the cost is now well over the estimate.
Brian Burkholder, public works, requested approval to mill and overlay three alleyways and a portion of the north Mill Creek entry. The alleyways include the one behind the veterinarian clinic, a portion of the alley behind Wit Boyz, and the alley behind the Silver Grill. A quote from Rochester Sand and Gravel to overlay the three alleyways is $55,535, and a quote to overlay that portion at the Mill Creek entry is $21,272. The mill and overlay projects were approved as presented.
Mayor Russ Smith proclaimed May 16-22, 2021, as Emergency Medical Service Week. The theme this year is “This is EMS: Caring for Our Communities.” Smith thanked EMS people for what they do for the public. Councilor Mike Urban said he was grateful for the EMS volunteers.
Ambulance Director Rocky Burnett requested and received approval to purchase five new pagers with an extended three-year warranty at a cost of $2,369.
Burnett recommended the purchase of six SETCOM headsets (three sets for each truck) at a total cost of $7,635. The headsets have about a 1500 foot range for communication. The purchase of the headsets was approved.
Other Business in Brief
•Approval was given for a permit to allow Chatfield Public Schools to have a temporary storage container on the high school property until mid-2024. The school district plans to have a permanent storage solution by the fall of 2024. This one new storage container will replace four storage containers that are located currently on the parking lot.
•The annual allocation request from Bluff Country Hiking Club in the amount of $2,000 was approved.
•The HueLife proposal to develop a strategic plan was approved at a cost of $6,500. A proposal to use Polco/National Research Center for community engagement at a one-year cost of $10,500 was also approved to assist in strategic planning.
•A resolution was approved for the participation in the State Auditor’s Performance Measurement program.
•City Clerk Joel Young was appointed as Interim Zoning Administrator.
•Chatfield citywide clean-up was this past weekend. The cost report was not yet available. Mayor Smith maintained it is a nice city service.
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