Chris Stenzel
Candidate for Peterson Mayor
1. Tell us about yourself.
Jackie, my wife of 30 years, and I moved to Peterson four years ago. Prior to moving to Peterson we lived in Rochester for 26 years where I was a social studies high school teacher and coach. I enjoyed growing up in Freeborn, Minn., a small rural community north of Albert Lea, and believe in the small town atmosphere and way of life. The past three years I have been employed at Solvay in Winona, Minn., as a raw material planner/buyer. I enjoy reading books on American history, golfing, traveling and working in our yard.
2. Why are you running for office?
Being a former social studies teacher and teaching government classes, I believe we all should be involved in our local government in some way. I want to help everyone have a voice in what happens in Peterson. As an elected official we need to listen to our citizens and work towards the best results on all issues. We need to put our own agendas aside and work for our citizens. I believe my experience as a teacher, coach, school board member (ROCCHS) and planner will help the city of Peterson with conflicts and financial issues.
3. What do you hope to accomplish if you get elected?
Being on the city council the past two years I believe we have accomplished a lot together. My goals for the next two years would be the following:
– Finishing paving the remaining roads in Peterson.
– Finish the city sign on highway 16.
– Have our water system inspected by an engineering firm to check the remaining life expectancy.
– Prioritize future projects and concentrate on finishing one project before moving onto the next one.
– Cultivate a culture of pride and unification of our citizens by listening and working together.
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