Chris Giesen, EDA director, discussed a proposal to construct an athletic club on the south side of Chatfield along Highway 52 at the city council’s March 14 meeting. In order to make the project financially feasible, tax increment financing (TIF) has been requested.
Jill Harstad and Lindsay Eide are looking at a vacant property on which to build a new athletic club. They plan to have classroom space for group exercise and yoga classes. Estimated project cost may reach $1 million. TIF could help with development costs as well as improvements to the property.
A resolution calling for a public hearing on April 25 on the establishment of a TIF district was approved, as recommended by the EDA.
In a related action, the first consideration of Ordinance 460 to amend the Chatfield Code to provide “Athletic and Health Club businesses” and “Large Animal Veterinary Clinics” in the Light Industrial (I-1) zoning district was approved, as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission had held a public hearing on the zoning amendment; there were no public comments.
City Charter
The first consideration of Ordinance 458 to amend the City Charter for the Elimination of Health Officer position was approved unanimously.
The first consideration of Ordinance 459 to amend the City Charter to establish the city manager/administrator as the chief administrative officer of the city was approved unanimously. The provision for city clerk is to be repealed.
Other business in brief
•Three resolutions were adopted approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the 2022 Water System Improvement projects. The resolutions include water storage improvements/the reconditioning of Old Territorial Rd. and South Reservoirs (steel tanks), concrete ground storage water tank rehabilitation, and water system electrical improvements. City Engineer Craig Britton said the three projects will be bid as one.
•The city has received a final layout for a bridge replacement on Highway 30 (over Mill Creek), which lies within the Chatfield city limits. The proposed bridge is to have a sidewalk on both sides as well as a bike lane on both sides. A resolution for waiver of municipal consent was adopted. Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2023.
•Ambulance Director Rocky Burnett noted a huge increase in calls during 2021. There has been an increase in the number of times both ambulances are out at the same time. He suggested the addition of a first response vehicle could be useful. When the police chief’s vehicle is to be replaced, one option for the use of his old vehicle could be a first response vehicle. Burnett estimated it could cost about $20,000 to $25,000 for the used vehicle, light bar, lettering, and an additional portable AED. Councilor Paul Novotny wanted to look at finances first; his priority is to get the ambulances back on a 10-year rotation. Councilor Mike Urban asked that the request be put on the next Personnel/Budget agenda for discussion.
•A resolution was approved to establish the polling place for the special primary election on May 24, the Chatfield Municipal Building.
A resolution was approved to establish the polling place for the regularly scheduled primary election on August 9 and the general election on November 8, the Chatfield Center for the Arts.
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