Technology upgrades were approved at the February 10 Chatfield City Council meeting. Councilors Mike Urban and John McBroom were absent.
City Clerk Joel Young reported that the total cost of the technology upgrades will be under $16,000. A switch is to be upgraded in the computer server room, along with the wireless capability in the Thurber Building. The firewall and battery backup will be upgraded at the wastewater treatment plant.
Young reported that two people applied for the swimming pool manager position. Both were interviewed and both were well qualified. The hire of Noah Friedrich was approved as recommended.
Other business in brief
•Brian Burkholder requested and received approval for the purchase of a John Deere 1600 commercial wide area mower from SEMA Equipment which submitted the lowest of three bids. The purchase comes with a 2.5 year warranty. With the trade in of a four-year-old wide area mower, the total cost will be $30,881. Burkholder is going to try to sell the old mower for more than the trade-in allowance first, before trading in the old mower.
•Two Hold Harmless agreements were approved. The first was between Chatfield and Thomas and Julie Tienter who have a private footbridge. The city will instruct the contractor to remove the footbridge and replace it in the former location, if possible, after maintenance work in the channel is completed. Tienters agree to hold the city harmless. The city does not guarantee it will be feasible to reinstall the footbridge at its former location. In the second agreement the city agrees to hold harmless Griffin Construction Co. Inc. for any future claim that may be brought by the Tienters. Repair work of the channel can start with the signed agreements.
•Young (representing region 9) is one of 12 board members for the Minnesota Association of Small Cities (MAOSC). In early February he and some other city administrators spent a few days in Washington D.C. meeting with congressional people. All costs were covered by the MAOSC. MAOSC represents cities with populations under 5,000. Their goal is to increase awareness of small city needs among both state and federal government officials.
•After Robert Vogel met with the Personnel Budget Committee, the proposed contract with Pathfinder CRM was approved by the city council.
•Approval was given to extend for another year the requirement that Ambulance Director/Emergency Manager Rocky Burnett will have to complete the ICS 400 certification course.
•An appointment of Colleen Haffner to the Planning and Zoning Committee was approved. The appointment of Todd Johnson to the Library Board was approved.
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