At the June 10 meeting of the city council, proposed Ordinance #471 for a Motorized Golf Cart was tabled to clarify insurance and age issues.
The proposed ordinance was drafted to regulate the use of a motorized golf cart on public streets and public areas within the city. The ordinance requires the operator to have a valid driver’s license. The operator must have insurance coverage and must provide evidence of insurance coverage when requested by a law enforcement officer. The operator must have a permit issued by the city. An applicant for a permit will need to provide a copy of a valid driver’s license and proof of liability insurance providing coverage for the special vehicle.
Two issues were discussed extensively; Councilor Josh Broadwater questioned whether an operator should need to provide evidence of insurance if stopped by a law enforcement officer. Proof of insurance is required when applying for a permit, but individuals generally don’t carry proof of liability insurance with them which may be part of their homeowner’s insurance policy. City attorney Fred Suhler agreed the operator already has to show proof of insurance in order to get a permit.
Councilor Paul Novotny noted a driver’s license to drive a golf cart is not required under state statute. State statute requires who ever has jurisdiction, in this case the city, to determine who will be allowed to drive a golf cart on a city street. Novotny asked if there will be any repercussions for Chatfield if they allow someone to drive a golf cart without a license, and if an age limit should be discussed. Suhler said he wasn’t too concerned about the city getting sued because the ordinance doesn’t regulate enough.
Councilor Dave Frank suggested anyone without a valid driver’s license (age 14 and up) should be restricted to only driving a golf cart between home and the golf course. Councilors Mike Urban and Pam Bluhm suggested the age stay at 16 and up, when they are eligible to get a valid driver’s license. Broadwater said he was okay with 14, noting the speed limit is 15 mph.
Consideration of the ordinance was tabled. Suhler and Peterson will work on clarifying language and provide a modified draft to be considered at the next council meeting.
Other Business in Brief
• A 2017 Ford squad car with 93,000 miles on it will be replaced with a 2025 Ford Interceptor Utility AWD. The state bid price for the car is $48,029. New equipment including parts and labor for the new squad will cost $22,640. An option for the ability to control the traffic signal costs $2,000. The total cost for squad, equipment, and traffic signal control is $72,669. The 2017 squad will be sold on Public Surplus.
• Pay request #6 in the amount of $109,516.04 to Griffin Construction for work completed this spring on the 2023 Street Improvement Project was approved. Work included adjustment of valve boxes and structures along with bituminous pavement. The project is 96% completed and on schedule.
• Ambulance Director Rocky Burnett requested approval to purchase seven new Motorola pagers with an extended three-year warranty at a total cost of $3,235. He noted five of the Motorola pagers were purchased three years ago and have worked with no issues. The purchase will replace the rest of 12 pagers (different brand) purchased in 2018 that have had significant issues.
• The hire of a new EMT, Silja Erickson, was approved. She has both Minnesota and national EMT credentials.
• Burnett reported that the new ambulance ordered in June 2022 is in Rochester now. Equipment will be moved from an old ambulance to the new ambulance.
• Approval was granted to purchase a replacement folding/stuffing machine, which is used for folding paper documents and envelop stuffing, as recommended by staff.
• A donation of $50,000 from the Chatfield Firefighters Activity Association was accepted. The funds are to be used for fire truck equipment needs.
• The 2023 population in Chatfield is officially past 3,000. Fillmore County had a population of 1,887 (767 households) and Olmsted County had a population of 1,118 (464 households).
• Peterson congratulated Dan Funk for his two years of service with the city.
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