Chatfield City Council sped through a short agenda at their March 9 meeting.
Rochester International Airport has requested bonding money to be used for maintenance and improvements (reconstruction of Runway 2/20) of the regional airport. The airport is an economic cornerstone supporting southeastern Minnesota. The Southeastern Minnesota League of Municipalities membership has voted to support this bonding bill project. Chatfield City Council passed a resolution asking the state legislature to fund the bonding request for the Rochester International Airport.
Steven Schlichter, Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent, had requested that the council approve the removal of the existing pneumatic damper system (currently not operational) and replace it with the installation of new electric motor damper actuators and needed hardware.
The damper actuators are necessary in the backup generator room at the WWTP to cool the room down when it heats up to a certain temperature. The generator could overheat without the cooling equipment. It would cost more to rebuild the current compressor which is not operational than to replace it with new electric motor damper actuators. They are expected to be more reliable for the long term and less costly to operate. Approval was given to install new electric motor actuators at an estimated cost of $2,895.
Other business in brief
•Approval was given to advertise for two summer helpers; both need to be 18 years old or older to run a commercial mower.
•The Chosen Valley Community Foundation is sponsoring a raffle for the Chatfield High School Class of 2021. The raffle permit was approved. The raffle is to raise money for a class trip to Walt Disney World. Ticket sales begin in mid May and the drawing is planned for September 11.
•Councilor Paul Novotny reported on several issues discussed at the Public Works Committee. Three residents have concerns about water issues in West Chatfield. The committee is looking for information on possible solutions. City Clerk Joel Young said the next step is to work with the city engineer.
There has been a request to vacate a 20-foot public unimproved alley within the 700 Block of Winona St. just south of Seventh St. A letter was sent to adjacent property owners to secure their opinion, with mixed results (some for vacating the alley, some against). No action was taken this day.
Repair of the Knutson waterway (in Union St. waterway) was also discussed. Damage resulted from the June 22, 2019, flooding event. Work is going forward on this project.
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