The Chatfield School Board met on January 22, 2018, in the high school media center. Board members present were Jerry Chase, Scott Backer, Amy Jeffers, Katie Priebe and Matt McMahon, along with Superintendent Harris and Administrative Assistant Lorri Lowrey. Board member Lanny Isensee was not present.
Superintendent Harris began the meeting by asking for nominations for board chair as this was also an organizational meeting. Jerry Chase was nominated and approved as board chair and all other positions were nominated, voted on, and will remain the same as last year with vice chair, Lanny Isensee; clerk, Scott Backer; and treasurer, Katie Priebe. Board committee assignments were reviewed and no changes were made.
Craig Ihrke, elementary principal, noted that the NWEA testing is almost finished. These tests give a good idea of how the students are doing and is a fairly good predictor of how the students will do on the MCA tests this spring. Preliminary results seem quite good. The third grade classrooms have been using the STEM materials that were purchased with grant money and the kids are really enjoying them. Pictures of this activity can be found on the school Facebook page. Gopher Time continues to be an enjoyable time for students and many connections between staff and other grade levels are being made. Next week is Para Professional Recognition Week and Principal Ihrke commended this group of staff plus the custodians for the excellent job they do in the elementary building.
Both principals discussed the staff development day where teachers were involved in trainings that were aimed at recognizing and helping students who may be having a difficult time emotionally. Kristi Cook, technology information specialist, led trainings in the elementary on Schoology and worked with individual teachers on specific questions in the high school.
High school Principal Paulson gave a report on the ACT (American College Testing Program) that is a curriculum based measure for college readiness. Chatfield students are required to take it as juniors even though the state does not require it now. The ACT is one way to make sure students are taking the right courses during their high school career to ensure they are on track for college classes.
Superintendent Harris indicated that one of the school vans needs to be replaced as it is 12 years old and will be replaced with a 2018 10 passenger van. Construction is still on schedule but the cold weather has caused some delays. Drafts for the 2018-2019 calendar have been sent out with approval to be given at the next board meeting. The school website is being revamped and should be launched this summer. The goal of the new website is to simplify the contents and make it more user friendly for parents and the community. The Pay Equity Report that is submitted every three years was not compliant this year. It will be resubmitted with job classification updates that should bring it into compliancy.
The consent agenda was approved with two items being removed and added to new business. Under the consent agenda, the previous meeting minutes were approved along with the Pay Equity Report. Also approved were One Act Play assistant advisor, Laurie Byrne and head engineer, Steve Irish.
Under new business, the board approved the annual CCTV payment of $15,000 and welcomed the new CCTV manager, Melissa Burnett. Before the acceptance of the resignation of the varsity volleyball coach, a discussion was held on the necessity of supporting coaches and realizing the stresses that they endure. The board then approved the resignation of the varsity volleyball coach, Ruth Ann Lund and the posting of the position.
The first reading of district policies on curriculum development and instructional curriculum were put forth and the second reading of the district policies of organization of school calendar and development of parent and family engagement for Title I programs were approved.
Before adjournment, Board chair Jerry Chase announced the next meeting will be on February 26, Parent Teacher Conferences for grades K-12 will be on February 20 and 22, and there will be no school on February 23 for a winter holiday.
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