At the December 4, 2024, school board meeting, board members David Sowinski, Katie Priebe, Josh Thompson, Tom Keefe and Mark Johnsrud were present. Also present were Superintendent Ed Harris, high school principal, Eric Nelson; Student Activities director, Dan Schindler; and Student Senate representatives Kylie Sinn and Jorja Fishbaugher. Board member Jill Harstad was absent.
Jorja Fishbauger reported that the Student Senate is working on plans for Snowball Week but have not yet decided if there will be a dance. Kylie Sinn said they are now taking orders from students for Christmas cookies that will be delivered on December 20.
Superintendent Harris presented a Truth and Taxation power point explaining the tax levy. This year the tax levy is at 6.45% with about 4% of it coming from the increase of the HVED lease levy project. The total levy is $3,631,047.35 for 2025. Later in the meeting the board approved this. Harris then addressed the 4DW (four-day week) saying that in talking to students, he was very impressed with their insights and the excellent questions they asked. Another parent/community informational meeting previous to the board meeting was well attended and he thanked the people for coming, stating that it was very productive. He laid out the plans for the February Special Election for a new high school gym. Early voting will be on December 27 and 28 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the district office and on Election Day, Tuesday, February 11 in the high school multi-purpose room from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Community informational meetings will be Monday, January 13 at 12 p.m. at the CCA (Chatfield Center for the Arts), and January 14 and January 27 at 6 p.m. in the high school Forum room. He then thanked the CEF (Chatfield Education Foundation) for another successful auction that brought in around $100,000 for the school district.
Dan Schindler, student activities director, gave a report on the successful fall athletic schedule that saw cross country athletes achieving their personal best times, volleyball taking part for the first time in a state tournament, placing fourth and the football team participating in the state tournament for the 11th time in school history. The Fall Play was a success even though it had to work around the state volleyball tournament. He stated that having students going to state events takes a lot of extra planning and preparation and thanked Reagan Little, student activities assistant, for all her work for this. Winter sports have started and games have already begun. Officials are needed for junior high games. The concession stand will be open as someone has accepted that position.
The only item on the consent agenda was the approval of the November 13, 2024, meeting minutes which were approved by the board.
Discussion Items
The 4DW was brought up for discussion. Dave Keefe refuted the fact that the board had already decided on the 4DW and stated that is still up for discussion. Josh Thompson thanked Superintendent Harris for looking at this to help the budget but felt that there were going to be too many people affected by the hardships that it would create. A discussion then ensued about if a survey was necessary and the board agreed that a survey would bring closure to the process that had been started. Staff, students and parents will be involved in the survey.
Action Items
The board approved the Facility Bond Election paperwork that will be sent to the state. Upon recommendation by the superintendent the board voted to not proceed with the solar project as cost savings were negligible. The board approved the Resolution Directing the Administration to make Recommendations for Reductions in Programs and Positions and Reasons therefore. This recommendation is done yearly at this time to allow for planning for the next school year. Upon recommendation from Dan Schroeder, business manager, the board approved the final audit submission with adjustments.
The meeting was adjourned.
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