The Chatfield School Board met on May 1, 2019, in the high school forum room. All board members were present as were Ed Harris, superintendent; Lorri Lowery, administrative assistant; Karyl Lyons, business manager; Kristi Cook, technology integration specialist and Student Senate Representatives Jack Tuohy and Nathan Goldsmith.
Kristi Cook, outgoing integration technology specialist reported that more teachers are utilizing the program Schoology in both schools and are becoming quite creative in their usage. The Technovation team is getting ready for state competition and she is very pleased with their coding abilities. She is just finishing up the digital citizen lessons with third graders and shared the survey she did with grades three through six about their internet usage. She did not pursue the parent educational meeting as there was not enough interest. Lastly she thanked the board for their support during her tenure in Chatfield.
Shane McBroom, elementary principal, shared that Anna Bernau was the state champion for the D.A.R.E. poster contest and was given the honor of throwing out the first pitch at the Twins game on Sunday, April 28. He also thanked Chatfield Police Officer Landorf for his effort in delivering the D.A.R.E. program and for his visits to welcome students in the morning and talking with them during their lunch time. Last week’s fifth grade visit to Eagle Bluff was very successful and he thanked the students, teachers and parent chaperones for making it a positive experience. MCA testing in reading and math are in and the preliminary results show that the kids do very well compared to state averages. He is very pleased with the effort exerted by the students and for the parents and staff who do an excellent job of promoting students to do their very best.
The high school students have been busy according to principal Paulson, with the Rube Goldberg team winning first place at national competition, the FFA chapter receiving second place out of the top 10 chapters, Knowledge Bowl doing well at the state level and two students going to the state speech contest. Upcoming events are the mock crash put on by SADD for grades 9-12, American History 10 classes will hear a presentation from a Vietnam veteran and the Delta crew will be putting on an assembly program recognizing all the of the students that performed well this year. He also congratulated Stacy Fritz for receiving the Honorary State Degree for her outstanding contribution to agriculture education and FFA.
Superintendent Harris encouraged the board members to do an online evaluation of the board as a whole with the results to be given as an in-service by a member of the Minnesota School Board representative in July. He also thanked Karyl Lyons for her help in earning the Minnesota School Finance Award for 2018. This award is given for maintaining funds appropriately. He also discussed the temporary rerouting of Highway 52 by the school and how extra bus stops would be provided and crossing guards would be on duty before and after school at the intersection of Union Street and Burr Oak.
Under the consent agenda, the following resignations were accepted: Julie Young, Title I; Nan Lesser, high school paraprofessional; Zac Slowiak, ALP (Alternative Learning Program) teacher; and Kristy Cook, technology integration specialist. The following job postings were approved: high school paraprofessional, ALP/social studies teacher and junior varsity dance coach. New hires approved were: Brenda Nelson, varsity dance coach and Christina Carr, high school office administrative assistant. Summer school hires for 2019 were: Mitch Lee, grades 7-12 teacher; Regan Little, grades 7-12 assistant; Elissa Johnsrud and Kate Johnson, summer reading program teachers; Michele Thompson, summer reading program assistant; Kelly Reinecke and Sara Duxbury, elementary ESY (Extended School Year) teachers; Pam Flattum, elementary ESY assistant and Kaitlin Dunlay, kindergarten prep.
Under action items the board approved the draft language of the community survey that will be sent to all district patrons advising them of the current financial situation of the school district. They also approved a resolution designating Superintendent Harris as the gatekeeper for who has access to student data. The local literacy plan was approved as a way to receive funding for the reading program. After a discussion by Matt McMahon and Scott Backer that they did not feel this was in the best interest of the students, the board denied a request for a one year leave of absence from math teacher Travis Bartels. The vote was five against the leave and one vote for granting the request. In line with this vote they voted not to post the position of middle school math teacher. Because of two recent teacher vacancies, the board rescinded the non-renewals of teachers Kelsey Gwidt and Angela Fitzpatrick.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be June 5 and the July meeting will be July 9.
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