At the February 9, school board meeting, Katie Priebe, Matt McMahon, Tom Keefe, Jill Harstad, Josh Thompson and Lanny Isensee were present as well as principals Shane McBroom and Eric Nelson, Superintendent Ed Harris, Trista O’Connor, business manager; and Lorri Lowery, administrative assistant. Student Senate members Lauren Cole and Hunter Bernau were also present.
Eric Nelson, high school principal reported to the board about the progress being made for next year’s schedule. As of now the team will be recommending a shift from a semester schedule to a trimester schedule with a daily schedule that includes five 67-minute periods a day for most classes. This would give students greater choices in selecting classes, allow grades 7-12 to have the same schedule and a common bell, and offer more flexibility for teachers that teach in both the high school and middle school. The PLC time would still remain on Wednesday with a late start and on the other mornings an Access/Flex time would be in place for students needing extra assistance or those participating in clubs. Nora Gathje, a member of the scheduling team and a high school science teacher, explained that there is still some work that needs to be completed like new course development, updating of the registration guides, coordinating with colleges for CIS (College in the School) classes taught and finalizing the daily schedule, so the team will make a formal presentation at the March board meeting. Mr. Nelson is working with Superintendent Harris on developing a thoughtful process for responding to challenges to the non-instructional LINC media collection. Having a process will help to ensure that the collection offers students with a diverse variety of information, culture, and ideas, while also being responsible in maintain appropriate materials.
In the elementary, Pprincipal McBroom related that sixth graders have started D.A.R.E. classes with Chatfield police officer Kevin Landorf and thanked the Chatfield Police for providing this opportunity to the students. They will work with Officer Landorf on decision making, being respectful and responsible. Also new at the elementary school is the front door daytime access procedure. The new functional doorbell/intercom system will allow the office staff to communicate with visitors. By pushing the doorbell, visitors can state their purpose and the office staff can unlock the door for entry. NWEA testing in finishing up and the schedule for NWEA testing in April is set.
Student senate members Lauren Cole and Hunter Bernau said the senate was selling Valentine cookies for a fundraiser. The Snowball Dance will be held on March 11, but the location has changed because of a scheduling conflict. It will now be held in the elementary school lunch room.
Under consent items the January 12, 2022, meeting minutes were approved. Also approved were the following new hires: Shelby Nolan, Valleyland assistant and Josh Whalen, junior high baseball coach. The contract for DJ Tony Lee was approved for the Snowball Dance on March 11. The retirement of Kathy Gudmundson, elementary assistant to the principal was accepted.
Under action items, the board approved the posting of a request for school food management services. The contract will be put out for bids and the new contract will be on the May meeting agenda. Jeff Seeley of Ehlers Public Finance Advisors presented information on the bonds that were sold for the tax abatement for the parking lot improvements. He said the district had A+ and AAA ratings and that four companies bid on the bonds. The lowest bid was accepted. The board approved this action. The board also approved the COVID-19 update of the further streamlining of the plan including adaptation to the newest CDC recommendation for positive cases (students) to return after five days.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held on March 9, 2022, at 7 p.m. in the high school Forum Room.
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