At the June 12 school board meeting, board members Jill Harstad, David Sowinski, Katie Priebe, Tom Keefe and Mark Johnsrud were present as well as Superintendent Ed Harris, Elementary Principal Shane McBroom, and High School Principal Eric Nelson. Board member Josh Thompson was not present.
Principal McBroom said the end of the school year was busy with a Reading Carnival, Special Olympics Competition, fifth grade assisting with flag placing on veterans’ graves, fourth grade attending the Tesmer Farm Safety Day and a swimming pool visit for all grades. The traditional Senior Send-off where graduating seniors paraded the hallways dressed in cap and gown was a highlight for all classes, along with a special celebration for the class of 2030 who are on their way to the high school next year.
Principal Nelson asked the board to look at Policy 503 regarding attendance. The High School Leadership Team is asking for the board to consider several alterations to the existing policy. The recommendations include clarification on student and teacher responsibilities that relate to absences; shifting college visits and participating in a school activity (ex. state tournament games) to the excused category; better defining tardiness and the procedures related to tardiness, and creating logical completion dates for students that are absent. Another area the committee would like the board to address is the handling of family vacations. Vacations are currently considered unexcused. This presents some challenges. Many families expect the schools to excuse their student’s absences for family vacations. The committee is asking the board either to strengthen their position on family vacation as being unexcused or move family vacations to the excused category. The second reading of Policy 503 will be at the July board meeting when the board can vote on the recommendations.
Superintendent Harris reminded the board that his evaluation is on July 10 and that they will be receiving materials regarding this before the next meeting. He gave an update on the solar project. He has been in negotiations with iDeal Energies to upscale the project and change the financing from a lease to a purchase. This would be more advantageous to the district. The company has agreed to do this and will be making preparations to resubmit the project for the next round of funding. The DCAC (District Curriculum Advisory Committee) met for the first time in May to discuss K-12 curriculum topics. Most of the conversation was related to the district’s response to the READ Act legislation. The teachers and principals have spent a great deal of time evaluating the requirements and have a very good plan for next year’s training.
Consent items that were approved were:
•Meeting minutes from May 5
•Authorization for the board treasurer to approve the end of year bills
•Delegate business manager to wire transfers, excess funds and bond payments
•Designate The Chatfield News Co. as the official newspaper, and Ratwick, Rozak and Maloney as official legal counsel
•Designate Root River Sate Bank and Minnesota Liquid Asset Fund as official depositories
•New hires: Dave Ahern, HS custodian; Michael Majerus, T-Ball co-coordinator; Reid Johnson, weight room supervisor; Jon Sutherland, seventh grade girls basketball; Lucy Allen, Valleyland aide; Hudson Lueck, summer technology assistant; Kyra Throckmorton, assistant dance coach; Kayle Bernau, assistant dance coach; Grace Myhre, special education teacher
•Resignations: Jayden Glenzinski, permanent substitute; Zac Shoupe, technology coordinator; Shane McBroom, JH baseball coach; Shelby Nolan, ninth grade volleyball coach; Annika Bakkum-Eckern, One Act Play advisor
•Job postings: technology coordinator, One Act Play advisor; and ninth grade volleyball coach
The board had two discussion items on the agenda. One was the issue of cell phones in the classroom. Board member Tom Keefe, who is also a substitute in the district, led the discussion. His concerns are the amount of time students are on their phones in a classroom that is not educational in nature, the lack of socialization, bullying and the frustration of teachers dealing with the phone issue. He encouraged the board to look at this issue and work on a solution. Superintendent Harris said that the MSBA (Minnesota School Board Association) is working on a best practice policy to address this and that waiting for this policy before changing anything might be the best way to start addressing the issue. The other discussion item regarded the attendance policy that had been reported in Eric Nelson’s report. The general consensus was that the changes recommended were reasonable.
Under action items, the MSHSL Membership Renewal Resolution and the 2025 Adopted Budget were approved. Principal McBroom had explained the Local Literacy Plan in his report and stated that the elementary will be using the Fastbridge program that will replace the MCAs. It has a dyslexia screener, and shows how to screen and implement interventions. There will be a stronger emphasis on phonics in the primary grades and the goal for next year is 80% reading level for all students by third grade. The teachers will have 45-50 hours of training to help them implement the READ Act. The board approved the plan. The board also approved the Food Service Contract with Taher and the Property/Liability Renewal with EMC through North Risk Partners.
The meeting was adjourned.
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