Chatfield Public Schools School Board ISD #227
Regular Board Meeting
Date | time 4/1/2020 7:00 PM | Meeting called to order by Board Chair Amy Jeffers
In Attendance
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 227, Olmsted, Fillmore and Winona Counties was held on Wednesday April 2, 2020 via videoconference due to current social distancing and “Stay At Home” guidelines. Superintendent Ed Harris is present in his office and initiated the meeting.
Roll call was taken with these members present: Jeffers, Isensee, Backer, Priebe, McMahon & Lowrey. Superintendent Harris, Principals Paulson and McBroom, Business Manager O’Connor, Administrative Assistant Lowrey, and Student Senators Muller & Hebrink were also in attendance. All present said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda
Chair Jeffers asked for a motion to approve the agenda with this addition:
11. Action Items
c. Discontinuation of Policy 617 School District Ensurance of Preparatory & High School Standards
Lowrey/Priebe motion to approve this addition. Motion carried 6-0
Chair Jeffers asked for a motion to approve the agenda with these removals:
8. Consent Items
d. Approve the following 2020-2021 Winter Varsity/Head Coaches
i. Girls Basketball – Brian Baum
ii. Boys Basketball – Jeff DeBuhr
iii. Wrestling Travis Bartels
11. Action Items
a.FY21 Budget Recommendation
b.FY20 Budget Revision
Isensee/Priebe motion to approve these removals. Motion carried 6-0
Approval of Claims & Accounts
Priebe recommend approval of Claims and Accounts as presented. Lowrey/Isensee motion to approve as presented.
Motion carried 6-0
Backer/Isensee/McMahon – Facilities & Finance Committee
Ben Muller & Peter Hebrink – Student Senate Representatives
Randy Paulson – High School Principal & Shane McBroom – Elementary Principal
Ed Harris – Superintendent
Approval of Consent Items
McMahon/Lowrey motion to approve the Consent Items:
a.Approve 03/04/2020 Meeting Minutes
b.Approve 03/18/2020 Special Meeting Minutes
c.Approve Job Posting of Summer School Teachers/Paras
d.Approve the following resignation: Scott Schmaltz/8th Gr Girls Basketball
e.Approve the following retirement: Julie Boyum/ADSIS Gr 4-6 Teacher
Motion carried 6-0
1st Reading of District Policies
Jeffers noted that the following district policies are before the board for their first reading. She asked the board to refer any questions they might have to Mr. Harris.
a.533 Wellness
b.615 Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, LEP Students
c.616 School District Accountability
d.624 Online Learning Options
2nd Reading of District Policies
Lowrey/Priebe motion to approve the following policies:
a.523 Policies Incorporated
b.530Frm Immunizations Form and Instructions
c.611 Homeschooling
d.613 Graduation Requirements
Motion carried 6-0
Action Items
a.Lowrey/Isensee motion to discontinue policy 617 School District Ensurance of Preparatory & High School Standards.
Motion carried 6-0
Baker used this time to thank our medical professionals on the school board for their front-line services. Priebe and Jeffers both feel that we are better prepared than some places in the country due to close location to the Mayo Clinic.
Lowrey/Priebe motion to adjourn at 7:40pm. Motion carried 6-0
Respectfully submitted,
/s/Scott Backer, Clerk
A complete copy of these minutes can be found at or on file in the district office.
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