Chatfield Public Schools School Board ISD #227
Regular Board Meeting
Date / time 5/4/2020 7:00 PM
Meeting called to order by Board Chair Amy Jeffers
In Attendance
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 227, Olmsted, Fillmore and Winona Counties was held on Monday 4, 2020 via videoconference due to current social distancing and “Stay At Home” guidelines. Superintendent Ed Harris is present in his office and initiated the meeting.
Roll call was taken with these members present: Jeffers, Isensee, Backer, Priebe & Lowrey. McMahon was absent. Superintendent Harris, Principals Paulson and McBroom, Business Manager O’Connor, Administrative Assistant Lowrey, and Student Senator Zimmerman were also in attendance. All present said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda
Lowrey/Backer motion to approve the agenda with these additions & removals:
8. Consent Items
d. Approve the following resignation
ii. Stephan Wsmundt/MS Science Teacher
e: Approve the following 2020 Summer School hires:
iii. Elissa Johnsrud & Brenda Semmen/Summer Reading Programiv. Krista Schild/Summer Reading Program Aide
v. Kelly Reinecke/ESY Teacher
f. Approve job posting for MS Science Teacher
11. Action Items
a. FY 2020 Revised Budget
viii. Scholarship Fund
f. Spring Coach/Advisor Pay
g. Approve Principal Contracts
8. Consent Items
b. Approve the following 2020-2021 Winter Varsity/Head Coaches
i. Girls Basketball – Brian Baum
ii. Boys Basketball – Jeff DeBuhr
iii. Wrestling Travis Bartels
Motion carried 5-0
Approval of Claims & Accounts
Priebe/Backer motion to approve Claims and Accounts. Motion carried 5-0
Tedon Zimmerman – Student Senate Representative
Luann Klevan – Community Education Director
Shane McBroom – Elementary Principal
Randy Paulson – High School Principal
Ed Harris – Superintendent
Approval of Consent Items
Backer/Lowrey motion to approve the Consent Items:
a. Approve 04/01/2020 Meeting Minutes
b. Approve Food Service Management Contract – 1 year renewal
c. Approve the following resignations:
i.Anna Pence-Bouska/Elem Nurse
ii.Stephan Wasmundt/MS Science Teacher
d. Approve the following 2020 Summer School hires:
i. Mitch Lee/HS Teacher
ii.Regan Little/HS Aide
iii.Elissa Johnsrud & Brenda Semmen/Summer Reading Program Teachers (splitting the dates)
iv.Krista Schild/Summer Reading Program Aide
v.Kelly Reinecke/ESY Teacher
e. Approve job posting: Middle School Science Teacher
Motion carried 5-0
1st Reading of District Policies
Jeffers noted that the following district policies are before the board for their first reading. She asked the board to refer any questions they might have to Mr. Harris.
a. 618 Assessment for Student Achievement
b. 620 Credit for Learning
c. 806FRM For Assistance in Drafting a Crisis Management Plan
d. 904 Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Nonschool Persons
2nd Reading of District Policies
Lowrey/Priebe motion to approve the following policies:
a. 533 Wellness
b. 615 Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, LEP Students
c. 616 School District Accountability
d. 624 Online Learning Options
Motion carried 5-0
Action Items
a. Lowrey/Backer motion to approve FY20 Revised Budgets. Mr. Harris reviewed all the budgets with the board.
A budget sheet is attached with his report. Motion carried 5-0
b. Board member Rick Lowrey motioned
and introduce the following resolution:
The motion for adoption of the fore- going resolution was duly seconded by board member Lanny Isensee and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Jeffers, Isensee, Backer, Priebe, and Lowrey.
The following members voted against: none
Whereupon said resolution was
declared duly passed and adopted. Motion carried 5-0
A complete copy of the resolution is attached.
c. Priebe/Backer motion to approve Local Literacy Plan. Motion carried 5-0
d. Lowrey/Priebe motion to approve FY21 Budget Reduction recommenda- tion (176, 800)
i.Non-replacement of 1.0 FTE at the elementary school ($91,300)
ii.Elementary Walk-a-thon to cover field trip expenses ($10,000)
iii.Increase Title IV revenue. This covers more staff costs in the Ag/Tech department ($10,000)
iv.Administrative contract restruc-ture. To be discusses ($30,000)
v.Discontinue Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) subsidy for 9-12 stu-dents. $120 per device ($4000)
vi.Increase activity fees to $150/$500
family cap ($25,000)
vii.Discontinue NWEA at high school ($4,000)
viii.Reduce CCA rental for Fall Play,
One-Act Play, Spring Play ($2,500)
Motion carried 5-0
e. Backer/Isensee motion to approve storage shed construction quote.Mr. Harris reviewed each of the bids with board member Isensee. Isensee noted that Griffin construction will come in to level the area where the shed will be built prior to the shed being built. Mr. Harris reminded everyone that the
cost of the shed is coming out of
remaining high school construction
funds as this was planned for 18 months
ago. So, this will not have any effect
on the general fund or budget reductions. Motion carried 5-0
f. Isensee/Priebe motion to approve the spring coach/advisor pay. Recommendation for this had come from
MDE. Motion carried 5-0
g. Isensee/Lowrey motion to approve the principals’ contracts. Guidance from
our legal counsel recommended that we
table this item until next month. Isensee/Backer amend the motion to table this approval until our board meeting in June. Motion to table this item carried 5-0
Isensee/Lowrey motion to adjourn at 8:22pm. Motion carried 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Backer, Clerk
A complete copy of these minutes can be found at or on file in the district office
Publish 8
Scott Backer, Clerk
A complete copy of these minutes can be found at or on file in the district office.
Scott Backer, Clerk
A complete copy of these minutes can be found at or on file in the district office
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