ISD #227 Chatfield Public Schools
Board of Education Meeting
WEDNESDAY JULY 8, 2020 (7:00 pm)
Forum Room (High School)
Equip all learners with the knowledge to thrive in a world of change by expanding and enhancing each individual’s educational environment.
Excellence. We are dedicated to supporting individual student achievement and fostering lifelong learning through continuous improvement and operational excellence.
Integrity. We are committed to cultivating strong leadership in which all stakeholders model trust, respect accountability, and responsibility.
Relationships. We demonstrate our commitment to learning through collaboration, respectful communication, a sense of mutual ownership, and community service.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call-Declaration of Quorum
Chair Amy Jeffers (2017-2021)
Vice Chair Lanny Isensee (2015-2023)
Clerk Scott Backer (2015-2023)
Treasurer Katie Priebe (2017-2021)
Director Matt McMahon (2007-2023)
Director Rick Lowrey (2020-2021)
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Approval of Claims & Accounts
6. District Patron Time
NOTE: If you would like to participate in District Patron Time please contact Lorri Lowrey at 507-867-3240 or at least one business day before the meeting. You will be added to the list and given guidance.
7. Reports
a. School Board Members
b. Principals
c. Superintendent
8. Consent Items
a. Approve 06/03/2020 Meeting Minutes
b. Approve HVED Agreement to Purchase Education Services for SY 2020-2021
c. Approve Employee Activity Passes for SY 2020-2021
d. Approve moving the rest of our 2020 monthly meetings from the first Wednesday of each month to the second Wednesday of each month starting in August 2020 with the following exception:
i. Wed Nov 11 is Veterans Day – set meeting date for Tue Nov 10
e. Approve the following resignations:
i. Kiya Virgin/SADD Co-Advisor
ii. Rianna Cooper/7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
iii. Rachel Schieffelbein/One Act Play
f. Approve the following job postings:
i. SADD Co-Advisor
ii. Jr High Girls Basketball Coaches
iii. One Act Play Advisor
9. Annual Reading of District Policies
a. 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy
b. 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
c. 415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
d. 524 Internet Acceptable Use & Safety Policy
e. 616 School District System Accountability
f. 806 Crisis Management Policy
10. 1st Reading of District Policies
a. 623 Mandatory Summer School Instruction
b. 703 Annual Audit
c. 720 Vending Machines
d. 721 Uniform Grant Guidance
e. 802 Obsolete Equipment
11. Action Items
a. Resolution Accepting Donations
b. Long-Term Facilities Management Plan
c. Approve Hanover Insurance Group (property and liability insurance)
12. Adjournment
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