ISD #227 Chatfield Public Schools
Board of Education Meeting
WEDNESDAY JUNE 3, 2020 (7:00 pm)
Forum Room (High School)
Equip all learners with the knowledge to thrive in a world of change by expanding and enhancing each individual’s educational environment.
Excellence. We are dedicated to supporting individual student achievement and fostering lifelong learning through continuous improvement and operational excellence.
Integrity. We are committed to cultivating strong leadership in which all stakeholders model trust, respect accountability, and responsibility.
Relationships. We demonstrate our commitment to learning through collaboration, respectful communication, a sense of mutual ownership, and community service.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call-Declaration of Quorum
ChairAmy Jeffers (2017-2021)
Vice ChairLanny Isensee(2015-2023)
Clerk Scott Backer (2015-2023)
Treasurer Katie Priebe (2017-2021)
DirectorMatt McMahon (2007-2023)
Director Rick Lowrey(2020-2021)
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Approval of Claims & Accounts
6. District Patron Time
7. Reports
a. School Board Members
b. Student Senate
c. Principals
d. Superintendent
8. Consent Items
a. Approve 05/04/2020 Meeting Minutes
b. Authorize Board Treasurer to approve end of year bills
c. Delegate designee to wire transfers, excess funds and bond payments: Trista O’Connor
d. Designate official newspaper: Fillmore County Journal
e. Designate Office District Depositories for FY 2021
i. Root River Sate Bank
ii. Minnesota Liquid Asset Funds
iii. Approve Entity Authorization form to designate Superintendent & Business Manager as district representatives
iv. F & M Bank, Alice Groen Trust Account
f. Designate Official Legal Counsel for SY 2020-2021: Ratwick, Rozak, Maloney, and Bartel
g. Approve the following new hires:
i. Varsity Volleyball Coach –
ii. Jr Varsity Volleyball Coach –
h. Approve Winter 2020-2021 Varsity Coaches:
i. Girls Basketball – Brian Baum
ii. Boys Basketball – Jeff DeBuhr
iii. Wrestling – Travis Bartels
i. Approve Fall 2020 grades 7-Jr. Varsity Coaches
i. Football: Tom Bance, Josh Berhow, Adam Hurley, Kirk Affeldt, Zack Slowiak
ii. Volleyball: K Gwidt, K Ellringer, A McBroom
iii. Cross Country: Jenny Bradt
iv. Danceline: Demery Little
j. Approve Spring 2021 Varsity Coaches
i. Golf – Paul Wagner
ii. Baseball – Brian Baum
iii. Softball – Jerry Chase
iv. Track & Field – Jeff DeBuhr
k. Approve the following job posting: 9th Grade Volleyball Coach
9. Annual Reading of District Policies
a. 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy
b. 806 Crisis Management Policy
10. 1st Reading of District Policies
a. 623 Mandatory Summer School Instruction
b. 703 Annual Audit
c. 720 Vending Machines
d. 721 Uniform Grant Guidance
e. 802 Obsolete Equipment
11. 2nd Reading of District Policies
a. 618 Assessment for Student Achievement
b. 620 Credit for Learning
c. 806FRM For Assistance in Drafting a Crisis Management Plan
d. 904 Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Non-school Persons
12. Action Items
a. MSHSL Membership Renewal Resolution
b. Resolution Dates for Filing Affidavits of Candidacy for General Election
c. FY21 Budgets
i. Fund 01-General Fund
ii. Fund 02-Food Service
iii. Fund 04-Community Service
iv. Fund 06-Construction Fund
v. Fund 07-Debt Service
vi. Fund 08-Trust Fund
vii. Fund 18-Custodial Fund
viii. Fund 30-Activity Fund
d. Set Board meeting date/time/place for 2021: 2nd Wednesday each month/7:00pm/HS Forum Room instead of 1st Wednesday each month/7:00pm/HS Forum room
e. Approve Principal Contracts
13. Adjournment
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