By Stacy Fritz
Chatfield FFA continues its level of excellence through leadership, academics and community service. This past year, we had 11 FFA members who received their MN State FFA Degree. This brings us to a total of 100 members who have received this degree in Chatfield FFA history.
As a chapter we were awarded the 3 Star Chapter Award for the eighth year in a row. The 3 Star is the highest award that we can receive from the National FFA Organization for meeting their standards of achievement in the areas of Growing Leaders, Building Communities and Strengthening Agriculture. This award comes from our multi-year Top Ten Chapter status that we have at the state level.
Our enthusiastic members and supportive community are the pillars of this success and we are excited to have had a record year awarding 38 members with the Discovery Degree, the very first in many steps to developing our leadership in Chatfield. It will no doubt be another exciting year for the program.
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