Chatfield Mayor Russ Smith, during his annual address at the city council’s January 11 meeting, encouraged people to spend their stimulus money at small, local businesses; thereby, putting it back into the local economy to help these struggling businesses.
He said the city is looking good going forward. The biggest issue is the state of small businesses in town that have been impacted by COVID restrictions. People are struggling. Smith said, if you are like me and have not been laid off at work, this stimulus money ($600) is like bonus money. I want to challenge people to go use this money at local restaurants, bars, hair salons, and so on. This last year has been a very bad year for them and we can help make 2021 one of the best years by putting this money back into the local economy. Keep our businesses in town. Pay that stimulus money forward if you can.
Later in the meeting every councilor agreed with the mayor’s sentiments.
City Clerk Joel Young administered the oath of office for those reelected in the November general election including Mayor Smith and councilors Pam Bluhm, Josh Broadwater, and John McBroom.
Councilor Paul Novotny was elected vice-mayor.
Other business in brief
• A special meeting of the city council was held on December 30. Nancy Timm had submitted her resignation letter, effective January 31. A motion accepting her resignation with thanks and appreciation for her service was approved.
A motion was approved authorizing the hiring process to fill the coming vacancy created with her resignation.
• Chris Giesen, Community Development Coordinator, explained the EDA has been working with the Chatfield Alliance, which is a newly formed organization to support Chatfield internally and externally. The EDA received a request from the Chatfield Alliance to redirect the lodging tax to them. The lodging tax has been directed to a regional organization, Historic Bluff Country. The lodging tax will support the Chatfield Alliance’s efforts and give it access to exclusive Explore Minnesota marketing grants. The lodging tax is to be used for community and tourism promotion. The Chatfield Alliance request was unanimously supported by the EDA. A motion was approved directing the city attorney to draft an ordinance redirecting the lodging tax to the Chatfield Alliance.
• The first consideration of Ordinance # 450 (regulation of fences, walls) was approved.
• A list of appointments recommended by the mayor to committees, advisory boards, and commissions was approved. A council committee meeting schedule for 2021-2022 was approved.
• Liquor and beer licenses for 2021 were approved, contingent on receipt of applications and fees.
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